Anticipate and Get Ready for the Future – Podcast

Strategic Foresight or How Not to Be Surprised. Listen to Dr Helene Lavoix’s interview by Julien Devaureix for Sismique, “the channel with over 4 million listeners.“ “In today’s highly volatile and rapidly changing environment, it is imperative for our contemporary societies and for all players, whether private or public, to reduce the uncertainty associated with …

The Red Team Analysis Society selected for Frontex June 2023 Industry Days

We are happy to share with our readers our selection for Frontex June 2023 Industry days. Frontex explains what are its Industry days as follows: “Frontex assists the EU countries in supporting the development of modern technologies for the European Border and Coast Community. As part of its mandate, Frontex regularly meets with industry, researchers, …

The ENA of Tunis – Training in Early Warning

In early December 2022, the Ecole Nationale d’Administration (National School of Administration -ENA) de Tunis and its Institute of Leadership Administratif invited the project supporting the rehabilitation of at-risk populations during and after their incarceration in Tunisia – READ of the Civipol expertise programme for the European Commission to provide a first initiation in Early …

For the ESFSI and the Ministry of the Interior of Tunisia – Trainings in Early Warning

This Autumn 2022, from mid-November to early December, we were honoured to deliver various training programs in Early Warning and Indicators in Tunisia. This cooperation takes place within the framework of the support given to the Ministry of the Interior of Tunisia by the project supporting the rehabilitation of at-risk populations during and after their …

Advanced Training in Early Warning Systems & Indicators – ESFSI in Tunisia

(Art design: Jean-Dominique Lavoix-Carli) At the end of March 2022, the Ecole Supérieure des Forces de Sécurité Intérieure (ESFSI) of the Home Ministry of Tunisia organised its fourth intensive training on early warning systems & indicators. It is part of its programme on the “management of social conflict.” This time, we set up with the management …

Speech at Alterre Day: Unsustainable! Towards Solutions…

On 21 January 2022, Alterre Bourgogne Franche-Comté organises its yearly conference Alterre Day on the theme: Unsustainable! Which solutions for a better and desirable world?VISIO CONFÉRENCE – 21 JANVIER 2022 Don’t miss Alterre day Book your day (conference in French) to follow the speakers who will demonstrate that there is a need to enlighten public …

Early Warning Systems & Indicators – 3rd Training for the ESFSI in Tunisia

At the end of October 2021, we provided our third intensive training on early warning systems & indicators, part of this year programme on “management of social conflict” of the Ecole Supérieure des Forces de Sécurité Intérieure (ESFSI) of the Home Ministry of Tunisia. The programme is supported by the European project “Counter-terrorism in Tunisia” via CIVIPOL. The …

Early Warning Systems & Indicators – Training for the ESFSI in Tunisia

We just finished providing one week intensive training on early warning systems & indicators, part of this year programme on “management of social conflict” of the Ecole Supérieure des Forces de Sécurité Intérieure (ESFSI) of the Home Ministry of Tunisia. This programme is supported by the European project “Counter-terrorism in Tunisia” via CIVIPOL. This is the …

Cybersecurity, ANSSI 10th Anniversary and the Agora 41

Credit Image: Jean-Dominique Lavoix-Carli using a photo by Getfunky CC BY 2.0 and background vector by freepik On 4 June 2019, the French National Cybersecurity Agency, the ANSSI, celebrated its 10th Anniversary with a Cyberfestival. The Agora 41 is taking shape The Agora 41 (see its dedicated page on the ANSSI website) was fully part of the …

Modeler la Sécurité du Cyber Future – Agora 41, Assemblée Stratégique pour l’ANSSI

Alors que nous entrons dans la «quatrième révolution industrielle», dans l’ère de la transformation numérique, dans un nouvel «IA-monde» et dans la «seconde révolution quantique», la sécurité nationale et internationale doit s’adapter. Elle doit le faire en anticipant ce monde futur, en évitant les surprises et les menaces tant nouvelles qu’anciennes, tout en saisissant les …