Consider and visualise geopolitical influence and companies’ exposure to geopolitics in the world of uranium.
Geopolitics is increasingly key for uranium mining.
The security of supply becomes crucial and must be factored in.
The graph and its data tables, presentation report and user manual, help you considering and visualising geopolitical influence and companies’ exposure to geopolitics in the world of uranium mining.
Intelligence and law enforcement agencies use graphs for security related matters, such as fight against criminal networks and counter-terrorism. We put this experience and knowledge, as well as our expertise in political science, international relations and geopolitics, at the service of the world of uranium.
Extensive Data
The graph’s database covers:
- 28 states involved in uranium mining as producers or operators through private or public companies.
- 158 companies, subsidiaries and organisations including 39 main consolidating companies;
- 165 mines, deposits and projects, including 132 mines and deposits with their reserves and measured and indicated resources, as well as 14 mills.
Use “The World of Uranium”
Interact with the graph according to your needs, and:
- Visualise global uranium reserves and resources per country and go beyond textual and usual chart-based perspectives.
- Visualise spheres of influence and moves to extend these areas.
- Visualise groups with few or no linkages with the rest, and which, as a result, could become the target of interest and “influence” operations.
- Create “what if” scenarios for mining permits holding, merger and acquisition, and visualise how these can be exposed to geopolitics.
- Compare mines visually.
- Use filters to find mines.
- Use filters to find mining permits holders.
- Etc.
The graph nodes and edges
The graph is constructed with:
- 369 nodes: Countries (category S as State), Mines (M), Companies (C), Mills (P) presented by row, with, for each node, their country, category, calculated reserves and M&I resources in tU / tonne (kgU as U3O8), given reserves and M&I resources of U3O8 in original unit of reference, and notes and reference.
- 543 edges (arrows – the relationships between the nodes): for each edge, a weight, either a % of shares held or calculated reserves and M&I resources in tU / tonne (kgU as U3O8), then the given reserves and M&I resources of U3O8 in original reference unit, and, finally, references and notes.
- Conversion used:
1 lbU3O8 = 0.384647 kgU as U3O8
1 tU / tonne (kgU as U3O8) = 2599.79 lbsU3O8
Files, User Manual and Presentation Report
Files are available under various graph format (.gephi and .graphml) and as .csv.
The user manual explains how to use the database and its graph using the free open source reference software Gephi.
On top of the basis version, you will get a series of different versions of the graph and its visualisations, provided in an additional single file (a Gephi file). These versions exemplify the graph in action, highlighting different geopolitical perspectives.
These graphs, the question to which each graph answers, an explanation on how to obtain the visualisation and an analysis outline are further detailed in the presentation report, which also. highlights how the database has been constructed.
What is included in your purchase
1- The original graph and its data tables: a series of files which contain the original database and its graph
- To use with Gephi (leading third party software open source and free):
- To use with yEd Graph Editor `(third party software by yWorks)
- Other formats (3 files)
2- The “graph in action”: a file with 6 ready to use workspaces, five displaying different versions of the graph and its visualisation and the last one with a pre-prepared filter
- To use with Gephi (leading third party software open source and free):
The manual: Use Gephi for the World of Uranium
A step by step user manual, with detailed screenshots, explaining how to install then use Gephi for the World of Uranium.
The presentation report: The World of Uranium, Mines, States and Companies – Database, Graph and Examples
This report presents the rationale behind the construction of the graph, the scope, and, as examples, various versions of the graph with explanation and analysis outlook. This report is the companion to the file “the graph in action”.
Purchasing process
For security reasons, as you proceed with your purchase, you will have to create a log in to our website to be able to complete it.
Once you have completed your purchase, you will receive an email confirming your order with a link to a zip file you will be able to download.
You will also be able to access the zip file from your account on our website: Log In >> My account & memberships
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