


With this article and the next one, we use the instability and conflict in Ukraine and the related impacts on businesses to continue enhancing our understanding of the way businesses and the corporate world could usefully anticipate or foresee geopolitical and political risks and uncertainties.DeepSeek vs Stargate – China’s Offensive on U.S. AI Dominance? Trump Geopolitics  – 1: Trump as the AI Power President Uranium for the U.S. Nuclear Renaissance – 2: Towards a global geopolitical race The New Space Race (1) – The BRICS and Space Mining Uranium for the U.S. Nuclear Renaissance – 1: Meeting Unprecedented Requirements Fifth Year of Advanced Training in Early Warning Systems & Indicators – ESFSI of Tunisia Towards a U.S. Nuclear Renaissance? We review two major impacts of …

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在这篇关于俄罗斯发展北极地区能源、商业和军事关系的文章中,红色(团队)分析协会研究了俄罗斯北极地区如何通过建立众多能源和基础设施项目和业务,吸引中国公司,成为世界上新的关键商业和战略 "中心"...


许多中国城市经历了现在被称为 "空气灾难 "的情况,主要是由于煤厂的爆炸和汽车运输。与此同时,俄罗斯正在更新和扩大其面向中国的石油和天然气管道网络。与此同时,北极和亚北极地区正在经历一次重大的大气变暖,其幅度超过了1.5米。