
红色(团队)分析协会欢迎Jean Michel Valantin博士,他将重点研究与气候变化和国家安全有关的问题和议题。让-米歇尔-瓦兰坦博士(巴黎博士)专门从事战略研究和国防社会学,特别是环境地缘战略。他是以下著作的作者 全球范围内的气候威胁 (气候对世界秩序的威胁)。 生态学与世界治理 (生态学和世界治理)。 战争与自然,美国为气候战争做准备 (《战争与自然:美国为气候战争做好准备》),以及 "美国 "杂志。 好莱坞、五角大楼和华盛顿。从二战到现在的电影和国家安全。

他的第一篇文章 "气候变化,一个地缘战略问题?是的!",他解释了为什么气候变化也应该从地缘战略的角度来看待,并通过具体的例子强调,实际上,战略思维的演变已经开始。因此,他为我们的探索做了准备。


发布者:Dr Helene Lavoix (MSc PhD Lond)

Helene Lavoix博士 is President and Founder of The Red Team Analysis Society. She holds a doctorate in political studies and a MSc in international politics of Asia (distinction) from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, as well as a Master in finance (valedictorian, Grande École, France). An expert in strategic foresight and early warning, especially for national and international security issues, she combines more than 25 years of experience in international relations and 15 years in strategic foresight and warning. Dr. Lavoix has lived and worked in five countries, conducted missions in 15 others, and trained high-level officers around the world, for example in Singapore and as part of European programs in Tunisia. She teaches the methodology and practice of strategic foresight and early warning, working in prestigious institutions such as the RSIS in Singapore, SciencesPo-PSIA, or the ESFSI in Tunisia. She regularly publishes on geopolitical issues, uranium security, artificial intelligence, the international order, China’s rise and other international security topics. Committed to the continuous improvement of foresight and warning methodologies, Dr. Lavoix combines academic expertise and field experience to anticipate the global challenges of tomorrow.


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