在此,我们将介绍当前人工智能(AI)指数式发展背后的驱动力和力量。深度学习是人工智能的一个子领域,引领着这一扩张,正如我们在""中所解释的那样。人工智能何时为地缘政治提供动力 - 呈现AI"(开放存取)和""中。人工智能和深度学习--正在形成的新人工智能世界"(半开放性访问/仅限会员)。
第一个系列的驱动力是经典的技术,由算法、计算能力和大数据组成。第二个系列的驱动力也是相当技术和科学的,由关键的不确定性、对量子优势的争夺和 "行动输出 "的挑战组成。需求和使用是我们确定的最后一个驱动因素,但不是最不重要的。每一个驱动因素和利害关系都将在下面的文章中进一步详细研究。
这篇文章的改编版被收录在欺诈和预防网络Reso-Club第六届欧洲论坛的闭幕全体会议上的主旨演讲中,今年的重点是 数字身份。新的权利和新的风险.
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发布者:Dr Helene Lavoix (MSc PhD Lond)
Helene Lavoix博士 is President and Founder of The Red Team Analysis Society. She holds a doctorate in political studies and a MSc in international politics of Asia (distinction) from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, as well as a Master in finance (valedictorian, Grande École, France).
An expert in strategic foresight and early warning, especially for national and international security issues, she combines more than 25 years of experience in international relations and 15 years in strategic foresight and warning. Dr. Lavoix has lived and worked in five countries, conducted missions in 15 others, and trained high-level officers around the world, for example in Singapore and as part of European programs in Tunisia.
She teaches the methodology and practice of strategic foresight and early warning, working in prestigious institutions such as the RSIS in Singapore, SciencesPo-PSIA, or the ESFSI in Tunisia. She regularly publishes on geopolitical issues, uranium security, artificial intelligence, the international order, China’s rise and other international security topics.
Committed to the continuous improvement of foresight and warning methodologies, Dr. Lavoix combines academic expertise and field experience to anticipate the global challenges of tomorrow.