The Everstatans: the citizens (including companies), the people, the Nation
Everstate’s central governing bodies or political authorities: the government, Parliament, the national representatives, the civil servants constituting the formal and rational modern bureaucracy.
Everstate’s regional and local governing bodies: elected representatives at town, department (or county) and region level.
Everstate’s political parties: Two major parties (loosely associated with social democrats on the one hand and conservative on the other). Other parties are insignificant in terms of national representation.
International Special fund for Sustainable Innovation and Green Energy (ISSIGE) [Scenario 2 – Panglossy]: A special fund into which the new Everstatan government decides that Everstate must participate. This fund will help polities harnessing the ecological evolution and the increasing complexity of resources, and transform those into opportunities. A specific instrument will be organised around the Regional Union and should “fund pan-Regional infrastructure projects.”
International meeting group for the resilience of the financial system (IRESFIS) [Scenario 2 – Panglossy]: Spearheaded by Everstate and its newly elected government, IRASFIS is linked to the G-20, and involves the major financial private institutions. It must bring back trust to markets and allow for a return to a proper flow of liquidity.
The International Society of States: all states actors in the world (using Hedley Bull, The Anarchical Society, idea and concept).
The Regional UnionEverstate和世界上许多其他国家一样,也是一个区域机构的成员,一个由独立和主权民主国家组成的区域联盟,它在第二次世界大战后的几十年里自由加入。该区域联盟既不是一个 联邦例如,美国、加拿大、印度或德国,也不是一个 联邦制, but something different, in the making. Its mission, shape, organisation, membership, areas of exclusive or only shared competence and consultative responsibility are being continually reworked and redesigned through various treaties and pacts.”
The International Governmental Organisations: UN and agencies, WTO, WB, IMF etc.
The lenders’ nexus: the largest banks and financial funds and more generally any organisation lending money and operating on the financial market. Includes the shadow banking system.
Novstate: “the powerful Everstatan Company… specialised in strategy and technology consulting. Year after year, Novstate is awarded the same contracts, which end up being seen as almost proprietary, and wins new ones… Even the direct security apparatus of Everstate is not anymore fully public, as a few private companies, Everstatan and international, play there an increasingly crucial role, from multi-involvement in the army, which is challenged by its reduced size, to various security functions such as logistics or the screening done at airports.”
Novstate’s CEO: Has created Novstate at the end of the 2180s. He has become an acclaimedbusiness expert and governance counselor.
Novstate’s network of Friends Companies: “.. Novstate does not only advise governance bodies but also supplies governance services, often in areas where there are also advisors, as it unites in its network of “friends’ companies” – a new business concept derived from social networking – small security firms, quasi armies, high-tech start-ups, biotech laboratories, etc.”
Evernet: a very performing high-tech Everstatan company.
Everstate’s universities and scientists: “…Very good quality universities… Those last 60 years they have provided increasingly recognised scientific knowledge and understanding, notably in the areas of main normative concern, such as economics, business and technology. They … also play the role of think tank.
The Modern University of Everstate (MUEVT): The largest university of Everstate. It was created at the end of the nineteenth century and fundamentally reorganised after World War II.
The Everstatan School of Liberal Politics: An influential and rich department within MUEVT that at is at the forefront of research and publications in topics related to economics, monetary and fiscal policies, electoral politics, international regimes, peace studies, etc.
Lessons Learned Comment: When taking examples for an ideal-type, there is interest in naming examples in a way that will be evocative for readers at the moment of delivery. However, with time, these very names may become a drawback as they may push clients to focus on a specific case rather than on the essence of what that example meant. Conclusion, it would be better to use truly imagined names, and to add in a note specific examples to help the client with fathoming what is meant.
Novcybio International: A foreign company that develops new biotechnologies. It headquarters are located abroad, outside the Regional Union.
Novcybio Everstate: A wealthy Everstatan entrepreneur bought farmland in the impoverished Southeast at a very low price. Offering to use it to test Novcybio’s products, he could create and develop Nocybio Everstate.
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