预算赤字和流动性 (Everstate的编年史)

Previous episodes’ summary: In 2212 EVT, in Everstate (与我们非常真实的国家相对应的理想型,被创造为 预知 的 现代民族国家的未来), people seek security as they increasingly feel the negative impact of various pressures and threats on their life. Henceforth they turn to their political authorities and even start trying to compel them to provide this security. Through those actions, Everstatans start to remember that, as part of the nation, they are also rulers of Everstate. Yet, the situation is growing worse because the tasks of governance have grown more complex while the governing system and the polity are not yet adapted to the new conditions.

Deepening budget deficit and increasing need for liquidity


The resources that participate into obtaining the income necessary to govern have started being impacted by the novel threats and by the evolution in general a few years ago. However, this change happened unnoticed by most and is still largely ignored as new pressures are yet to be recognised. In general, the focus of awareness is on forthcoming so-called resource wars*, generated by the probable end of cheap abundance that is likely to affect natural resources such as water, oil, or minerals, and the scrambling for components in new substitutes such as rare-earth elements.

Yet, the problem is more complex and also far worse. Some of the resources that used to generate income in the past have dwindled.  For example, when Everstatan industries delocalised, related income disappeared. Meanwhile, changes impacting other resources on the one hand, and the emergence of new resources on the other are not yet integrated within the public framework. All affect income.

Governing bodies should be on the watch and receive adequate warnings regarding the need to take in-depth actions. 

然而。  the resources extracted from the polity that have usually generated income are taxes levied mostly on the population, through taxes on personal income and social contributions (direct taxes) or through taxes on consumption (indirect taxes). Hence, the negative impact on resources could not and cannot be directly and immediately felt, and thus goes unconsidered. It is mediated by time and by economic activity as well as by impact of the general evolution of society on the wealth and consumption behaviour of people.

Yet, as new pressures pile, most of them without any awareness and thus unattended, while resources and ecological conditions evolve, an increasingly larger impact on the resources of the nation is to be expected, unforeseen, thus unmonitored and, consequently, without any kind of planning to face it. Very real consequences on the nation’s income, even if they are delayed, are in the making.

Meanwhile, the simple fact to try to make sense of some of the new pressures, those that are already perceived, comes with a cost. To fight constantly against such new military threats as terrorism or such unconventional dangers as cyber-threats uses a lot of the available resources and related income, to say nothing of possible new more classical military threats.

The increasingly numerous extreme weather events that are occurring, if they are not always evaluated in such a way, also takes its toll on resources: damages imply a net loss of wealth, while most events such as floods, tempests, or snowstorms immobilise economic activity. The accumulation of those localised and sometimes hardly noticed events has a direct domestic cost that increases expenditures, while it diminishes income and sometimes reduces resources.** Furthermore, when natural catastrophes and extreme weather events hit other countries, Everstate is also impacted through aid and various contributions, lowered trade, potential global ecological impact of disasters and levy on citizens’ savings (which then become unavailable for domestic borrowing, investment or consumption), with further consequences as reduced contribution to taxes.

Everstate is thus faced with a relative (compared with what would have been, had those changes and evolutions not taken place) lowered income, while more resources to face rising expenditures are necessary and increasingly more so, when those new and rising pressures also mean that the task of governing has become harder, which too has a cost, at least initially.

The nation and its governing bodies thus imperatively need to find new resources and income, as well as related new staff, which increases state’s expenditures, which in turn will increase the need for new resources and then income, until a new balance, adapted to the current and foreseeable future conditions, is found.

Solely keeping the system running as in the past is counterproductive because this directly and immediately impacts governance, lowering its efficiency. Being unable to understand what is happening and thus to find the necessary new resources and income means that a satisfactory way to plan for the increasing tasks involved by governance cannot be achieved. This, too, lowers the overall efficiency. As a result, the security that Everstatans seek cannot be ensured. Furthermore, the system is increasingly unable to do so.

Be it perceived and understood or not, this need for new resources and income is very real and upon Everstate. It implies that cash or liquid assets are demanded by Everstate’s governing bodies. First, they have to pay to face all the pressures  identified, to assume impacts’ costs when pressures are not identified, and to finance the usual tasks of governing, when Everstate’s income is insufficient as new resources and income have not yet been found. A new adapted strategy of extraction of resources (for the income of governing bodies) would reduce the need for liquidity, but it has yet to be designed.

In Everstate, as in many other countries, this situation has lasted for quite a while already. However, Everstate’s government and Parliament have dealt with it as if nothing new had happened. They thus used past recipes. As a result, the budget deficit has become chronic. In turn, as deficit is now regularly bridged by debt, on the one hand the cost of the debt further increases the deficit, while the need to borrow further heightens the need for liquidity.

Meanwhile, Everstatans’ quest for security in those gradually more difficult conditions also contributes to increase the demand for liquidity as people still need the now lacking or diminishing resources. Thus, the demand for those resources does not recede. On the contrary, for some of them, it increases as usage of those resources is fully integrated within the developed way of life of Everstatans and its expected improvement. For example, some of those resources have to come from further way or, when possible, have to be created or transformed out of other resources, which implies a further demand for liquidity. This situation also contributes to intensify the demand for understanding and meaning, as Everstatans, as any human beings, need to make sense of their perceived new hardship, so contrary to the promises of the materialistic normative order in which they have lived all their lives.


* See, among others, Michael T. Klare, Resource wars: the new landscape of global conflict, Henry Holt, 2002.

** See, for example, Holly Riebeek, “The rising cost of natural hazards,” Nasa Earth Observatory, March 28, 2006, accessed April 14, 2011; Munich RE NatCatSERVICE: Natural Catastrophes in 2010, 2011, Geo Risks Research, NatCatSERVICE ; and corresponding press release, accessed April 14, 2011.

2212 EVT:寻求安全(Everstate的编年史)

Summary of previous episodes: In 2212 EVT, in Everstate创立的理想型与我们非常真实的国家相对应,以便 预知 的 现代民族国家的未来在这种情况下,人们的不满情绪会增加。由于各种压力和威胁,其中大部分是不可避免的,不完全确定的,不被理解的,所以它必然会继续这样做。事实上,常州人直接和间接地感受到这些压力的影响,这些压力影响了他们的安全感,从而产生了不满情绪(链接到 上一篇文章).



他们求助于自己的政治当局,希望他们能够提供这种安全。事实上,埃弗斯塔特人相信,他们的政府、国家(协助统治者完成任务)和民族代表作为合法的政治当局,应该确保他们的安全。这一基本信念不仅铭刻在他们作为一个国家的集体历史中,也铭刻在他们作为人类的一部分的集体历史中(Moore,1978 年)。此外,"Everstate "也是被称为自由民主的规范秩序的一部分。因此,由于埃弗拉斯塔特人选举了自己的代表和政府,他们更加确信自己有权得到良好的治理,即确保自己的安全。

然而,在大多数情况下,他们忘记了,一方面作为公民,另一方面作为国家集体的一部分,他们也是政治当局的一部分。因此,他们 不独 他们既要发挥作用,也有责任承担责任。他们不能坐视不管,放弃自己的权力和责任,更何况这关系到他们的安全。这种健忘并不是埃弗拉斯塔特人的特质,而是其他代议制自由民主国家大多数公民的共同特点。

Initially, Everstatans exerted their power in a rather negative and passive way, witness the growing abstention during elections that had been going on for decades and other worrying weak signals of alienation.

Now, their grumbling grows louder and is a first still inchoate way to act to make sure their government, their state and their national representatives consider their demands. Furthermore, other actions, more visible, such as strikes and demonstrations – sometimes with some violence – 在一些非常特殊的地区,骚乱和无法无天的现象日益严重。

由于所有这些行动都源自不同的公民群体,并以不同的形式和不同的目的进行,因此对于包括埃弗斯塔特人在内的大多数观察者来说,这些行动似乎毫不相干、分散开来,因此没有任何意义。更糟糕的是,对这些目击者来说,当抗议运动似乎更有建树时--例如占领 Everstate 运动,它是全球占领/Indignados 运动的一部分--它的出发点是一个具体的要求,与 impacts having generated dissatisfaction, then, when satisfaction is not obtained, the scope of the discontent in terms of content increases, usually giving rise to another supplementary revendication.

This leads most to completely discredit the various movements of protest, all the more so that 新的现实压力 对 Everstate 所面临问题的认识和衡量还很不完善。事实上,从表面上看,抗议活动是零星的,积极参与的人相对较少,爆发后又消退。然而,随着时间的推移,整体紧张程度在不知不觉中加剧,可能积极参与抗议活动的人数在增加,不满情绪的范围在扩大。


随着 Everstate 的政府、州政府和议会的回应引发不满,他们似乎越来越无法回应民众的要求,而这些要求源于实际情况、公民对安全的需求以及他们所持有的信仰。

然而,事情并不像一些极端的 Everstatan 阴谋论者试图鼓吹的那样,是突然的无能或更荒谬的恶意,而是更加复杂的。






Moore, B., 不公正。服从和反抗的社会基础,(伦敦:麦克米伦,1978)。

2212 EVT:崛起的不满 (Everstate的编年史)

Summary of previous episodes: Everstate (为我们非常真实的国家创造了一个理想型,以便 预知 的 现代民族国家的未来)是国际自由主义秩序的一部分,在民主议会制度下进行统治。


人们已经开始感受到各种退化和紧张局势,并将其记录下来。然而,大多数Everstatan行动者认为这些是暂时的危机和困难,很快就会得到解决。在最坏的情况下,一些人设想了一场严重的危机,将持续几年,也许是十年的缓慢增长,然后一切恢复正常(链接到 上一篇文章). 他们是对的吗? What does the future hold for Everstate?

(The reader will find detailed explanations on the methodology applied to this article at the bottom of the page).

Dissatisfaction and tension of the population

Confronted with various mild but growing inefficiencies in terms of governance and economy, Everstatans are increasingly dissatisfied. They perceive the overall security provided by their political authorities as having started to decrease. At the beginning, it was imperceptible. Now, their discontent increases and cannot be ignored anymore. Indeed, more and more people feel relatively deprived as they contrast what they remember about their past satisfaction, what they had sought to achieve and what they now manage to obtain, whatever their efforts.

First, obvious new external military threats have arisen from foreign groups trying to implement their own state power. Those threats are widely labelled and known as “terrorism” or sometimes “radicalization” and have been partly solved through various efforts, notably those made in the areas of domestic security and law enforcement. Other threats have emerged from states that are considered as unfriendly, indeed at times dubbed “rogue states.” Both have started introducing an element of permanent and pernicious fear and unease in the population.

Then, the satisfaction of the population is affected by other factors that are not yet perceived and even less considered, integrated and successfully dealt with by Everstate’s political authorities.

ǞǞǞ 社会的演变 has, over time, affected the ecological milieu, which has given rise to new types of pressures. In Everstate and in international settings, the reality of those pressures is still debated, which often leads to ignore or minimize their importance. Among those controversies, we find the end of cheap energy, notably oil-based energy, the safety of nuclear energy, food and water availability, climate change, the increase of various types of pollution, and the return of the fear of deadly pandemics. Furthermore, because those pressures are new or have not been felt for centuries, the existing normative models do not consider them. Those models, indeed, focus on other matters, those issues that were crucial when the norms were constructed. Considering the importance of normative models and related thinking, the lack of possible concern integrated within the normative model also contributes to minimise the perception of and interest in those new pressures.

Meanwhile, 自然不可控的灾难 such as earthquakes or volcano eruptions, linked to the fate of geography, are still hitting societies blindly. Everstate fears no volcano on its territory, but some areas, by the seashore notably, are prone to earthquakes, although no severe one has occurred for more than two centuries. Typhoons and hurricanes, floods and droughts are still devastating worldwide, but Everstate’s climate makes such happenstance quite impossible. And yet… an increase in frequency and intensity of 极端天气事件 started being registered a few years ago (e.g. Munich-Re, 2010). Although the scientific understanding of many of those phenomena is still imperfect, a similar trend was registered in many countries of the world. Increasingly, it was identified as related to those changing conditions brought about by human activity.

Furthermore, previous evolutions have affected 自然资源. Those that are finite have now been used by the 人口 and thus are obviously not available anymore. Those that are considered as renewable have also sometimes been altered in a way that makes them unavailable for a specific location. For example, if water is fundamentally a renewable resource, the depletion of groundwater in some areas, or pollution, which can only be removed over centuries, in others transform water for specific areas and lapse of time into a finite resource. Such shortages directly impact the population, as people cannot benefit from those resources anymore, be it in terms of direct use or because whole sectors of activity disappear leading to unemployment and general impoverishment. Furthermore, by bearing upon the overall ecological setting, they contribute to create new kinds of pressure for survival. Meanwhile, other potential resources are emerging but are not yet fully integrated into ways of life. Thus, they cannot fully take the place of the past, used resources, when replacement is possible. They cannot either help face the whole range of new pressures for survival. So far, in Everstate, no complete shortage in response to a need had to be faced. On the contrary, in a still recent past as when coal mines were closed, whole sectors of activity have been swept away.

At the same time, evolution has generated 新能力 that are progressively used against society in a deadly and damaging way. Thus, new threats appear. Everstate and its allies have so far labelled those threats as unconventional, which definitely underlines their novelty, even in terms of thoughts. A few of them – but by all means not all as they permanently evolve –  have been identified and range from cyber-security (linked to the digital and communication technology and their use) to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

As long as Everstate has not designed the way to deal (through governance) with those new multiple pressures, the degree with which those pressures impacts society progressively increases, while the level of satisfaction of the population decreases. Now, this way cannot even start being imagined because those stresses are not fully registered and thus even less understood. Indeed, the Everstatan system, as the system of other countries, was built to deal with other – past – pressures.

Thus, dissatisfaction is bound to increase for some time in Everstate. This discontent itself, feeds progressively into a domestic escalation spiral. In turn, it increases incrementally the degree of pressure that is exerted on Everstate as a whole.

Meanwhile, Everstatans continue to seek a security that is appearing as increasingly distant and elusive…. 待续.

How to?

Application of the methodology used to construct the narrative.

The variable that will serve to start the narrative is “pop level of satisfaction (sec) s3,” i.e. level of satisfaction of the population regarding security for the third phase or step of our dynamic model. To help the reader understand the methodology, the words corresponding to an influencing or influenced variable or node for the main narrative will be in bold in this post.

When needed, to obtain more information on those nodes, we shall display the corresponding ego network that will hep nourishing and constructing the narrative.

In terms of outline, we start with the variables causing what we try to narrate (the discontent of the population), looking first at those linked to s2 (the previous step, temporally), then moving to s3. Once all the causing variables have been seen, then one progresses to the impact variables, which will allow us moving the story forward, with the exception of groups of variables, both influencing and influenced, for which the story is clearer if told as a group or system, e.g. the first paragraph. The task of detecting those groups of variables is eased by the use of network visualisation tools as those groups are literally shown by the lay-out (here Force Atlas).



Munich Re, “Extreme Weather Events – Signs of climate change?” 5 August 2010:

“These facts show that global warming is playing a significant role in the rising number of extreme events. Analyses performed by Munich Re’s natural catastrophe database, the most comprehensive in the world, substantiate this increase: the number of extreme weather events like windstorm and floods has tripled since 1980, and the trend is expected to persist.” [my emphasis]

Everstate:设置舞台 (2)

到目前为止,我们的情况总结。 Everstate 是我们非常真实的国家的一个理想类型,其目的在于 预知现代民族国家的未来.在这个具体的情景建设中,我们正在为Everstate设定阶段,为关键的影响变量赋值,以便能够开发情景。








另一个影响,最初主要是没有注意到的,是对 流动性 已经开始增长。事实上,仍然存在的经济增长需要流动性,以及经济的正常运作。更重要的是,降低的效率和稳定或增加的需求之间的差距必须用某种东西来弥补,这就是流动性。





地位本身也可以被认为是一种特殊的象征性资源,它很难获得,但一旦达到,就有利于掌握其他的东西。同样,精英群体从他们的各种掌握中获得收入,如果明智地使用,有助于他们保持他们的掌握,然后保持权力。最后,精英群体 还有 发展胁迫性权力--当胁迫不是他们掌握的主要资源时--帮助他们实现和维持其权力。












* 我特别感谢托马斯-埃特曼(Thomas Ertman)对国家建设的启发性和高超的理解,他为我提供了很多关于这个主题和子问题的信息。所有的错误和误解都是我自己的。托马斯-埃特曼。 利维坦的诞生。中世纪和现代早期欧洲的国家和制度建设,(剑桥,剑桥大学出版社,1997年)。关于埃特曼的书的评论,见,例如。 Ariel Zellman的评论。托马斯-埃特曼的《利维坦的诞生》一书.

安德森,本尼迪克特。 想象中的社区:对民族主义的起源和传播的反思谈到这个问题的时候,他说:"我想说的是,我们都有一个共同的目标,那就是把这个目标变成现实。

埃特曼,托马斯。 利维坦的诞生。中世纪和现代早期欧洲的国家和制度建设,(剑桥,剑桥大学出版社,1997)。

罗伯特-泰勒。 缅甸的国家谈到公共和私人领域的分离,见第66页。

Zellman, Ariel, "托马斯-埃特曼的《利维坦的诞生》。"博客文章

用 "自我网络 "构筑展望方案的叙事方式

在许多展望方法中,一旦你确定了主要的因素或变量,到了为情景制定叙事的时刻,除了 "充实情景和制定故事 "的内容外,你没有得到关于如何完成这一步骤的指导。

在此,我们将另辟蹊径,提供一种直接和简单的方法来编写情景。我们将使用我们为Everstate构建的动态网络--或为另一个问题--以及社会网络分析和可视化软件中的 "自我网络 "功能来指导叙述的发展和写作。

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2012年预测 (4)

Jennifer Mc Lean,2012年将会发生什么?(视频)beyondbrics的多位作者:beyondbrics正在就未来一年的关键新兴市场话题进行系列报道--2012年的12个话题,《金融时报》,2011年12月27日开始。Renaissance Capital的Ivan Tchakarov,2012年的12个话题。普京2.0会有什么不同吗?2011年12月27日:Murat Üçer,2012年的12个话题。土耳其的钢丝, 2011年12月28日 摩根士丹利的Jonathan Garner, 2012年展望:期待新兴市场股票的反弹, 2011年12月29日 瑞士信贷的陶冬, 2012年展望。中国将长期缓慢发展,但不太可能出现硬着陆,2011年12月30日。Louise Arbour, Next Year's Wars: Ten conflicts to watch in 2012, Foreign Policy, Dec 27, 2011 ...

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2012年预测 (3)

2012年预测(3) 摩根斯坦利,2012年全球展望,全球经济论坛,2011年12月15日。EconMatters, 2012年债务危机。忘记欧洲,看看日本,Zerohedge,2011年12月27日。外交关系委员会,《明年的世界:2012年--未来一年世界事件的预览》,(播客),CFR多媒体,2011年12月22日。外交关系委员会,预防性优先事项调查。2012年, CFR.com, 2011年12月8日。外交关系委员会,2012年需要关注的五个经济趋势,CFR.com,2011年12月28日。Sundeep Waslekar (Strategic Foresight Group), 12 Trends To Watch For 2012 - OpEd, Eurasia Review, December 27, 2011.Lance Ulanoff, 2012年值得关注的5个技术趋势, Mashable Social Media, 2011年12月28日。Zachary Karabell, 2012年经济展望。为什么事情比我们想象的要好,...

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2012年预测 (2)

2012年预测(2) ZeroHedge,全球化,未来十年,和不对称的回报,12/26/2011 ZeroHedge,吉姆-罗杰斯2012年展望。悲观主义与分散的危机, 12/26/2011 Derek Abma关于BMO资本市场副首席经济学家Douglas Porter的2012年预测,"尽管有欧洲,加拿大明年将避免衰退",温哥华太阳报,金融邮报,12月26日。2011年 Ryan Mauro,2012年需要关注的12大威胁,《家庭安全事务》,2011年12月27日 Tony Karon,"如果2011年对奥巴马的外交政策来说是动荡的一年,那么2012年看起来会更糟糕,"(对美国在新一年面临的十大全球危机问题的调查)。美国在新的一年中面临的十大全球危机问题调查),Time.com Global Spin,2011年12月27日。Moneycontrol局,"保持你的大衣!这将是一个暴风雨的2012年,"(对金融和生态的总结)。

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2012年常规和非常规国家安全预测 每年,从报纸到杂志,从智囊团到未来学家和其他专家,都会在新年伊始发表预测。在这里,我们的目的是为2012年所有与国家安全直接或间接相关的预测创建一个资料库,作为所有那些想在以后对它们进行分类、分析和最终测试的人的主要材料。该部分将随着预测和网页的发布和确定而被填充。我们非常欢迎你在评论中发布你发现的或做过的2012年预测的链接。请提及来源、日期、标题和超链接。并以此为起点。在这一过程中,我们可以看到,我们在这一过程中的表现是非常好的。

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