A Bibliography 关于能源安全的战略预见和警告的书目(并非详尽),是在从事能源问题工作时建立的,特别是作为美国能源部能源/环境安全副主任办公室的高级科学顾问(2008-2010)。能源安全和展望 Bray, David A., Sean Costigan, Keith A. Daum, Helene Lavoix, Elizabeth L. Malone, and Chris Pallaris, "观点。Cultivating Strategic Foresight for Energy and Environmental Security," Cambridge Journals, Environmental Practice, volume 11, issue 03, Septembre 2009.Lavoix, Helene, 为什么要进行战略预见和警告?能源安全的案例,(幻灯片),RSIS,公开讲座,新加坡南洋理工大学,2010年4月19日 千年项目,2020年全球能源情景,2008年。壳牌情景,展望未来。能源需求Bartis, James T.和Lawrence Van Bibber, 替代燃料...
继续阅读“Energy Security: a Bibliography for Strategic Foresight and Warning”
Last episodes’ summary: In 2212 EVT, Everstate (the ideal-type corresponding to our very real countries created to 预知 的 future of governance and of the modern nation-state) knows a rising dissatisfaction of its population. To face the various difficulties and widespread discontent, in a first scenario, Everstate’s governing bodies implement as policies the conclusions of the Mamominarch Commission: a programme of drastic reduction of public expenses over five years through devolution, privatisation and outsourcing. By 2218 EVT, the policies do not lead to a current account surplus as expected nor to a reimbursement of public debt but to a rising current account deficit as well as to the withering away of the nation’s income.
(The reader can click on each picture to see a larger version in a new tab – a navigating map of posts is available to ease reading – research note at the bottom of the post).
The withering away of the nation’s income would imply, under a system other than Mamominarch (minimization of state’s spending as core principle), an acknowledgement of the need for new resources and income.
Here, however, considering the core beliefs upheld, this is impossible. Yet, taxes still exist, including the new, temporary ones decided back in 2212 EVT. Those should allow bridging the gap until the budget situation becomes balanced again and a large part of overseas debts is reimbursed. Now, as the overall income of the nation shrinks (added to other linked factors) and as no new resources are looked for, the overall level of resources extracted decreases, despite the 2212 EVT supplementary taxes. This, in turn, does not lead to a balanced budget as hoped, but to a renewed deficit, although smaller. Meanwhile, debts cannot be reimbursed.
Going on trying to balance the budget through the Mamominarch system will only lead to a regressive spiral of further reductions of state’s expenses, which, in turn, will mean less income for the nation, which will imply further slahes in state’s expenditures, etc.
The shrinking of the income of Everstate as a nation also impacts the power of the ruler, i.e. the nation and its governing bodies. This weakens, unsurprisingly, the bargaining position of the ruler regarding the elite and the strength of the central order. Those impacts are in line with the Mamominarch system, which promotes privatization and outsourcing on the one hand, devolution, on the other.
Another factor seriously undermines the power of the nation and of its governing institutions: the dissolution of the legitimate monopoly of violence. First, outsourcing spreads when external military pressures and threats do not relent. Meanwhile, outsourcing added to an ever weakening central order and power means less control over the way threats are perceived, monitored, labeled and faced, while the entities perceiving, monitoring, labeling and acting on the threats are driven by profit and not by national interests.
Then, local criminality and organised crime are on the rise. In the poorest areas of Everstate, the minimal level of local public funds makes it difficult to hire the police force necessary to face rising difficulties, and impossible for private contractors to take over as benefits would be too low. Nationally, despite Novstate’s central database and communication system, the delocalisation of police force and the use of multiple private contractors makes it extremely complex to follow, analyse and understand flexible criminal organisations used to take advantage of weaknesses of central power, while coordinated action is even more difficult. As a result, spreading pockets of lawlessness develop, while Everstatans start experiencing very different lives according to where they live.
Finally, the withering away of the nation’s income impacts Everstate’s governance.
True enough, devolution, increased reliance on the Regional Union and management by the private sector were meant to compensate such probable impacts. However, as seen, things did not work this way on the whole territory and governance increasingly becomes fragile, and less efficient.
As further example, the sudden inflow of capital and arrival of highly paid foreign executives at the beginning of the Mamominarch period led to a sharp increase in real estate prices in those areas favoured by foreign investors. As it had not been anticipated, and as, anyway, it favoured real estate owners, notably elite groups, it was considered as positive. Yet, the real estate boom also created a difficult situation for local people, as wages remained frozen considering the otherwise uncertain and even negative global context. In those cities, areas and villages where the real estate boom occurred and where prices still remain very high, demonstrations and protests take place.Yet, they are never of a national scope – as different places are impacted differently – and rarely mentioned beyond local news. Those responsible for local governments do not either report them to central authorities as, anyway, at national level, there is no one in charge of this problem anymore. Each locality deals with the problem solely according to its own idiosyncrasies, and with its own resources, which impairs the implementation of sustainable solutions.
In those areas of the East and South, which have not attracted foreign investment, unemployment rises, poverty and inequality increase and a feeling of injustice deepens and spreads. Yet, these provinces used to be rich as they were those where agriculture had traditionally been done. But now, even rising food prices do not allow smaller exploitations to live properly considering the surging cost of life, notably generated by unmitigated new resources’ conditions. Left to their own device, without any help from local administrations too poor to do anything, people migrate away to richer areas, where they are used as cheaper labour. As the situation is far from full employment, they generate hostile feelings from the indigenous populations who cannot compete. Completely new tensions, declined in nationalistic terms, start appearing, when none existed previously.
Meanwhile, some wealthy Everstatian entrepreneurs start buying land in those areas at a very low price. For example, one of them is contracted by a foreign company, Novcybio, which develops new biotechnologies, to test its products on his land for a high premium.
Everstate’s economy has grown very inefficient for the vast majority of Everstatans. The security provided to Everstatans has not only not been improved but, on the contrary, is degrading.
We are thus back to dynamics similar to those existing in 2212 EVT, before the Mamominarch Commission, but to those must now be added the unintended unfavourable impacts specific to the Mamominarch system.
This is when tragic events strike.
As we progress in the scenario, it becomes obvious that the initial model could be improved along at least two lines:
Kenneth Waltz, 人、国家和战争:一个理论分析, New-York:哥伦比亚大学出版社, 1959.
从国家安全的战略远见和警告的角度考虑任何问题,首先需要对问题本身有一个最基本的了解,这主要是通过接触相关领域的专家来获得,如 ICA.对于水和其他任何问题来说都是如此。没有这种初步的调查,甚至不可能希望向政策制定者提供适当的预见和警告。只有在了解了这个问题之后,我们才能通过国家安全、进行分析的机构的任务以及最后复杂的决策系统等各种过滤器来筛选我们的分析。
最广泛使用的水分布估计是由Igor Shiklomanov(1993年)建立的,与最近的评估(Gleick,1996年)相似,因为 这两张表 下面。 摘自美国地质调查局网站。 显示。似乎ICA使用了同样的数字,除了百分比的近似值。
因此,大多数关于水作为安全问题的研究主要集中在淡水,特别是人类最常使用的淡水,即河流和湖泊,以及地下水。ICA就是这样进行的,确实强调了 "我们没有对整个全球水环境进行全面分析"(范围说明)。然而,在整个评估过程中,我们也发现有证据表明,国际水资源评估实际上并不局限于这种方法,我们将看到这一点。
确实有必要界定并在大多数情况下缩小任何研究的范围,以及将重点放在具体目标上,这里是指国家利益。 人类的使用 水的问题显然对生存至关重要,可能会产生紧张局势,因此对国家安全具有首要意义。然而,由于我们在这里考虑的是对国家安全的潜在威胁和机会。 我们是否确定可以将我们关注的区域减少到人类使用的范围??
事实上,一方面是使用,另一方面是威胁或机会,并不是同义词,特别是在气候变化和其他方面。 人为的 我们现在必须面对的变化(即人类造成的变化)。
例如,我们现在知道,生物多样性的下降可能会提高流行病的风险(Suzán等人,2009; Sohn 2009).因此,如果生物多样性由于与水有关的变化而减少,那么我们可能会有更多的疾病风险,这超出了ICA第5页已经强调的风险。
对生物多样性的这种风险的例子已被确认,例如,在""。对人类水安全和河流生物多样性的全球威胁"(发表于 2010年的大自然 并有一个专门的网站显示,除其他外。 互动地图 的威胁)。这项研究发现,值得注意的是,"80%的世界人口面临高水平的水安全威胁......而 "生物多样性,"受到危害,"与65%的大陆排放有关的生境被列为中度至高度威胁"。该报告显示,较富裕国家的技术努力侧重于减少对人类水安全的威胁,但没有注意到生物多样性。
因此。 最有可能的是。 的 流行病的风险不仅是更高的 比在ICA中强调的更多,但也是 在更大的范围内出现 - 包括大部分所谓的较富裕的世界,如地图上的黄色所示--并可能涉及到 更广泛的疾病.就国家安全而言,这样的威胁资格不能被忽视。
有趣的是,ICA本身也强调了这一点--甚至更多--它判断 "从现在到2040年,改进水管理将为水问题提供最佳解决方案",并解释说高效水管理是 "使用综合水资源管理框架,评估整个生态系统,然后使用技术和基础设施来高效用水、控制洪水、重新分配水和保护水质"(第6页)。
水循环表明,甚至比上一点更有必要停止将自己限制在人类可用的淡水上。相反,我们必须考虑所有类型的水。事实上,淡水显然在很大程度上依赖于其他类型的水、球体(如生物圈或水体)。 水圈)和过程。
任何变化 无论是对循环的一个组成部分,还是对流动,或者最糟糕的是,对循环本身--这在全球和地方(生态系统)层面--都有可能导致 产生威胁 对安全--或机会--的影响 改变时间轴 威胁的发生和应对,以及 变化的可能性.例如,将与海洋有关的任何东西完全从与水有关的威胁评估中剔除,确实可能造成非常不幸的盲点。因为就国家安全而言,这种 "循环方法 "已经在雪、冰川和融水的情况下被采用,包括在ICA中,它只需要被系统地应用。
水和 碳循环 是相互联系的,特别是通过呼吸过程(生物)。因此,一个循环中的任何变化都有可能反馈到另一个循环中,产生具有潜在威胁性影响的连锁反应,或者相反,产生机会。
氮是生命的一个重要元素。正如约翰-阿瑟-哈里森所解释的,它是 "DNA、RNA和蛋白质的重要组成部分,是生命的组成部分"(视觉学习).在不涉及复杂的氮循环细节的情况下(例如,见"全球水和氮的循环"密歇根大学"),水和氮的循环可以以多种方式相互作用,例如通过大气中的氮和酸雨,改变水的pH值,淡水被过量的氮污染。 富营养化等等。同样,一个周期的变化将影响其他周期,并对威胁和机会评估产生影响。
如果我们把 "全球水安全 "评估作为国家安全的预期产品的代表,那么向这种方法的过渡已经在进行中,因为除了更经典的国家安全方向外,许多要素都可以在ICA中找到。然而,变化需要系统化。
*ICA给出的数据来源 "2010年世界银行 "是不完整的,不足以追踪所使用的数据。
** 然而,我们应该注意到,地球上水的内源性和外源性(例如 "由彗星撞击带来的--例如Morbidelli等人2000年")的出现似乎仍有争论(加州大学洛杉矶分校IGPP),而且水系统也可以通过水的原子成分(氢和氧)层面的交换被认为是开放的。
Gleick, P. H., 1996: "水资源。"在《气候与天气百科全书》中S. H. Schneider编辑,(牛津大学出版社,纽约,第二卷)。
哈里森,约翰-阿瑟,"氮气循环。微生物与人." 视觉学习, 2012年3月27日访问。
Morbidelli A. Chambers J. Junine J.I. Petit J.M. Robert F. Valsecchi G.B. 和 Cyr K.E. 2000。"向地球输送水的源区和时间尺度"。 陨石学和行星科学 35: 1309-1320.
Shiklomanov, Igor "World fresh water resources" in Peter H. Gleick (editor), 1993, 危机中的水。世界淡水资源指南 (牛津大学出版社,纽约)。
Sohn, Emily, "动物的生物多样性使人们保持健康.” 发现新闻, 2009年5月19日。
Suzán G, Marcé E, Giermakowski JT, Mills JN, Ceballos G, et al. (2009),"实验证明鼠类多样性的减少导致汉坦病毒流行率的增加.” PLoS ONE 4(5): e5461. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005461.
美国情报界评估。 全球水安全,2012年2月2日。
加州大学洛杉矶分校IGPP天体生物学中心 - 美国国家航空航天局天体生物学研究所; "天体物理学背景下的宇宙化学 - 将太阳系的起源与其他地方的行星建造过程联系起来(Hansen, Lyons, McKeegan, Morris, Shuping, Wasson, Young);2012年3月27日访问。
美国地质调查局。 水科学学校,最后更新于2012年。2012年3月27日访问。
Vörösmarty, C. J. et al. "对人类水安全和河流生物多样性的全球威胁"。 自然界 467, 555-561 (30 September 2010) doi:10.1038/nature09440.
Last episodes’ summary: In 2212 EVT, Everstate (the ideal-type corresponding to our very real countries created to 预知 的 future of governance and of the modern nation-state) knows a rising dissatisfaction of its population. To face the various difficulties and widespread discontent, in a first scenario, Everstate’s governing bodies have transformed the conclusions of the Mamominarch Commission into policies: a programme of drastic reduction of public expenses will be implemented over five years. Despite hopes to quickly achieve a positive trade balance, after a few months of improvement, the situation worsens in terms of export of services, notably because of a decay of the education system, while youth unemployment soars. The exports of goods does not fare better because of the difficulty Everstatan industries meet to face, alone, the new resources’ condition.
In Everstate, the situation regarding energy becomes also very worrying, all the more so that energy is vital for most modern activities, including trade. As underlined by the International Energy Agency,
“Rising transport demand and upstream costs reconfirm the end of cheap oil. Short-term pressures on oil markets may be eased by slower economic growth and by the expected return of Libyan oil to the market, but trends on both the oil demand and supply sides maintain pressure on prices. We assume that the average IEA crude oil import price remains high, approaching $120/barrel (in year-2010 dollars) in 2035 (over $210/barrel in nominal terms) in the New Policies Scenario although, in practice, price volatility is likely to remain.” World Energy Outlook 2011, 执行摘要, November 2011, p.3.”
The high cost of the energy that can be used for trade, mainly oil, resulting from the failure of the world to be prepared for Peak Oil (point of maximum production) and to anticipate early enough the transition to other adequate types of energy, implies, among others, a slow down of global trade and a generalised increase in prices.* Once more, the shrinking of Everstate’s central governing authorities becomes soon a disadvantage as no national policy can be endeavoured.
True enough, the Regional Union carries weight and should not only compensate but also allow for better results in international negotiations and design of efficient energetic policies across impacts. However, first, the Regional Union, is also built according to the old organisational model and, more than once, fails to see connections between issues and second and third-order impacts. Second, the Regional Union model still relies on and involves the power of each member-state. The reduced administrative staff of Everstate’s state bureaucracy, practically, facilitates neither this reliance nor favours Everstate in negotiations internal to the Union. Witnessing this, Novstate, using its high level contacts, starts a strong lobbying that favour its interests and those of its friends companies. It is, however, only one company among many using the same tactics. Finally, once decisions have been taken, the shrunken Everstatan administration acts as a stovepipe and ends up blocking implementation. Slowly, the Regional Union administrative staff starts dealing directly with local Everstatan administrations.
As a result, all Everstatans, companies – save for Novstate and its friends – and individuals, are affected by the changing energetic order without much chance to be heard and even less to play a role.
As far as the trade balance is concerned, the impact is a deficit, with more costly imports, which are a necessity, and, in a world of lowered trade volume and heightened competition, less exports.
What happens with the other terms of the current account, that could maybe help towards the initial aim, reimbursing the public debt?
First, as aid and cooperation were transferred to NGOs and the private sector, transfer payments stopped and cannot burden anymore the current account. However, the cost for the nation in terms of influence, notably considering the overall scramble for resources as well as all pressures and threats, can be major, if difficult to measure.
Then, what is the situation regarding net factor income?
The inflow of capital (inward Foreign Direct Investment – FDI) that took place in 2212 – 2213 EVT, notably with the privatizations, leads, the following years, to a considerable increase in dividends paid abroad. Meanwhile, the arrival of highly paid foreign executives brought in by the investors implies an increase in the amount of remittances going out of the country, although relatively marginal compared with other factors. Added to the interests on public debt still paid overseas, income payments do not diminish, on the contrary.
Income receipts, for their part, do not increase much. Most of the dividends received from abroad originate from investments made by Novstate. However, the new “friends network” concept developed by Novstate also minimises direct investment. It implies that the benefits received by Novstate are not translated in flows captured by traditional aggregates.
Emigration does not considerably increase as seen 之前. As it has never been very high, remittances coming in are negligible. As a result, income receipts show a deficit and contribute to a rising current account deficit over the years. Thus, the current account cannot contribute to reimburse the public debt.
Furthermore, the increasing current account deficit leads to a shrinking income of the nation-state, which only adds to the diminishing income resulting from the sale of the nation’s resources.
In a world of polities organised as nation-states and under pressures, it would seem that reducing drastically state expenditures also implies withering away the Nation’s income, with unexpected consequences.
* The potential costly impacts of Peak Oil are now starting to be well documented, besides contrary opinion, most notably by Daniel Yergin, chairman of IHS-CERA (see, for example, Daniel Yergin, “There Will Be Oil,” 华尔街日报, September 17, 2011), yet, most of the time, without considering more recent developments (see below). Among others Campbell, Colin J. and Jean H. Laherrere, “廉价石油的终结,"科学美国人, March 1998; Dixon, Thomas Homer, 沉沦的颠覆:灾难、创造力和文明的复兴, (Knopf, 2006); Hirsch, Robert L., SAIC, Project Leader, Roger Bezdek, MISI, Robert Wendling, MISI 世界石油产量的峰值。影响、缓解和风险管理, For the U.S. DOE, February 2005; International Energy Agency (IEA), 2010年世界能源展望; Klare, Michael, 血与石油。美国对进口石油日益依赖的危险和后果, (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2004; paperback, Owl Books, 2005); Klare, Michael, 崛起的大国,萎缩的地球。能源的新地缘政治学 (Henry Holt & Company, Incorporated, 2008); Rubin, Jeff, 为什么你的世界将变得更小?石油和全球化的终结, Random House, 2009; Staniford, Stuart, “国际能源署承认石油峰值,"2010年11月10日发表。 能源公报. See also the posts published in 油桶.
Lately, a few specialised think-tanks and companies, notably Exxon and Shell, have started emphasising further changes in the energetic order, indicating that the renewed investment made by oil companies added to shale gas, shale oil, and tar sands exploitation would lead to newly available oil and gas supply, which leads to extrapolations on a potential sustainable decrease in prices, as explained by a Bloomberg recent article: Ayesha Daya, Brian Swint and Rakteem Katakey, “Iran Power Declining in Oil Market as Explorers Spend $90 Billion: Energy,” March 13, 2012. However, the high environmental cost of some of the techniques involved for shale gas and fracking (e.g. geology.com), and for tar sands as well as the high technological cost of unconventional oil and of some of the newly found deposits of conventional oil imply that more research would be needed for further synthetic detailed assessment. See also, for example, Roland Vially, , IFP, November 2011; “Shale gas” – March 5 2012 by Energy Bulletin.
ODNI发布了美国情报界对全球水安全的最新评估(2012年2月)的非保密版本。非常有趣!关于ICA的想法见 在2012年 "全球水安全 "IC评估的基础上再接再厉.
Last episodes’ summary: In 2212 EVT, Everstate (the ideal-type corresponding to our very real countries created to 预知 的 future of governance and of the modern nation-state) knows a rising dissatisfaction of its population. To face the various difficulties and widespread discontent, in a first scenario, Everstate’s governing bodies have transformed the conclusions of the Mamominarch Commission into policies. They have thus started implementing the programme of drastic reduction of public expenses through privatization and outsourcing, transfer of responsibilities to local administrations and increased reliance on The Regional Union, accompanied by a temporary increase in income and consumption taxes. The first months of reforms have been successful and the situation appears to improve.
Everstate’s capacity to reimburse its debt should also come from a positive current account, fed, in part, by a positive trade balance, aggregating results in trade of services and trade of goods.
Initially, the well-educated population and the disappearance of many positions of civil servants leads to an abundance of expert personnel. Through Novstate and its friends companies, benefiting from the positive perception the reforms undertaken in Everstate generate, the export of services skyrockets.
However, with time, it is becoming increasingly difficult to send children to school. The provinces have now to manage the education system alone or with the private sector, and the latter sees no immediate interest in funding primary or high schools. Private schooling becomes the norm, and weights heavily on the budget of the less well-off.
If the best-known universities find some funding with the new inflow of capital, this is restricted to specific branches, namely finance, economics, some areas of politics, war strategy and tactics thanks to Novstate, IT and some technologies of direct interest to the companies having invested in Everstate. As a result, research greatly suffers. To compensate the absence of public funding, universities triple their fees and only the most fortunate families can now send their children to universities. Scholarships almost disappear. The banks are not interested anymore in lending to students as the benefits are too small and as students, most often, have no guarantor. Local administrations send reports on this dreadful evolution to Everstate’s national representatives and to the central government, but the latter can only try to compensate through its yearly orientation paper, which has close to no effect as it is not assorted of any possibility of action. Hence, the number of well-educated and internationally competitive Everstatans rapidly dwindles. Furthermore, those who could receive graduate and post-graduate education are trained exclusively in those approaches at one with the Mamominarch system. Hence, as time goes by, if ever the Mamominarch system is not proving to be the ideal solution expected, will they still be considered as adequate?
After the first months of euphoria and hope following the implementation of the Mamominarch policies, the educated youth finds itself in the same conundrum as previously, but with even less prospects. If new qualified jobs are created by the foreign and domestic companies investing in Everstate and by the new outsourcing contracts, those are given in priority to ex civil servants and to foreigners. As a result, already by the second half of 2213 EVT, except in the IT sector focused on online shopping and electronic payments, most young graduates and post graduates find themselves still unemployed or under-employed, taking whatever jobs they find in tourism or industry. At the beginning of the period, those with the best academic records, and who can afford it, try to migrate, but, considering the still uncertain global situation, few succeed. By 2218 EVT, the relative position of the Everstatan educative system is such that, added to the failure of their elders to escape, hardly any smart young Everstatan still tries migrating.
Overall, the export of services cannot grow anymore.
As far as the export (and import) of goods is concerned, those depends not only on human skills and workforce but also on available resources. Now, as seen, with the exception of the tourism industry, Everstate has to face domestic shortage or sharp increase in prices (stemming among other causes of a relative decline in supply) for the resources it used to transform and to include in the goods it exports.
Furthermore, many of those resources – classical and new – needed by Everstatan producers are not located on Everstatan territory. For example, for many high-tech companies, energy and rare earth elements are a crucial industrial component.* However, those energy resources and rare earth deposits are not present everywhere and in the same quantity. For example China tends to be, currently, the lead producer. for rare earth minerals.
This new condition regarding resources, as explained previously, should imply increasing tasks in governing.
Those supplementary tasks demand new resources and income for the ruler and its staff (including the need for new staff). This, in turn, would mean further and new state spending, at least until the system is stabilised. However, as supplementary state expenditures are ruled out by the Mamominarch system, then the search for new resources and income cannot even be thought and thus novel strategies of extraction of resources can even less be identified. Thus, the increasing tasks of governing can be neither planned nor carried out. Worse still, the dismantling of so many services of the state makes it impossible to monitor, record and analyse what is happening.
As, worldwide, so many industries are competing for the same resources, national policies and negotiations are more than helpful, they are necessary. However, in Everstate, businesses cannot anymore benefit from such support and each company with supply problems must fend for itself. Each is now alone to find solutions, or it must turn to the Regional Union or to International institutions or try to find other private allies, which, in a world of hardened competition, may be hazardous. Meanwhile, other companies from other countries do benefit from their government’s support. Everstatans businesses thus find themselves at a competitive disadvantage. Indeed, relatively quickly, the young Everstatan industries dealing with those materials involving rare earth elements, for example, lose to competition. Either they go bankrupt or, when their technology is interesting, they are bought by foreign companies, which then re-localise according to their own priorities. By 2218 EVT, no Everstatan industry involving rare earth elements remain.
The situation regarding energy is similar, however with even worse consequences… 待续。
* Among others, for interesting estimates on the whole rare earth element market, see the analyses made by the South African company frontier Rare Earth, as well as their sources. For an example of use, see articles on the electric car and corresponding batteries (although the importance and scarcity of Lithium for Lithium-ion batteries is disputed) e.g. David Biello, “New Energy-Dense Battery Could Enable Long-Distance Electric Cars: Material changes enable a new battery to store more electricity–and could boost the driving range of electric vehicles,” 科学美国人, February 27, 2012; Shane McGlaun, “Science Researchers Create Fluoride Battery, Look to Replace Lithium-ion Technology,” Daily Tech (Blog), October 24, 2011.
As underlined in the previous article, ideally, with more resources, notably a team of researchers and adequate computing facilities, the values attributed to variables should be quantified, when the variables are about quantities. Notably, it would be very interesting, assuming we were able to enter specific times for each link, to test the variation of those time periods according to changes in quantities, and vice versa. It is indeed possible – or even likely – that thresholds and tipping points may occur according to such variations. More broadly, such hypotheses could also be tested on qualitative variables, methodology to be defined.
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