Créer votre modèle analytique - Cours de formation

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Analytical Model for Strategic Foresight and Warning, Risk Management, Scenario-building
Practically develop and enhance, step by step, your anticipatory analytical skills to tackle complex geopolitical, domestic and global contemporary issues, in a way that can be used with and by most strategic foresight and warning or anticipatory methodologies. Notably learn to properly map an issue for strategic foresight, early warning and risk management.
For trainees with instalments, if you want to know when you will be able to access a unit, click on the unit itself or  find a timetable in My account >> Memberships >> Then choose your course and click either on the name of the course or on "View"
Module 1 La mission de l'analyste et de l'officier de SF&W
This module explains what is anticipation of national and international security issues or political and geopolitical problems and why it matters for public but also corporate actors. It underlines the main aims that analysts and officers seek to attain, and spells out major challenges. It presents the overall process and methodology for strategic foresight and warning or risk analysis.
Unité 1 Pourquoi et comment anticiper ?  
Unité 2 La prospective et l'alerte stratégiques et la mission d'analyste-agent  
Module 2 Les principes de base d'une analyse
This module will first deal with biases, which are so challenging for analysis. It is thus crucial to understand biases before to begin tackling the practice of analysis, if we want to mitigate the way these unconscious mental errors can hinder analysis.It will not only deal with the well-known cognitive biases but address all types of biases. Each time a bias will be explained, ways to mitigate it or cope with it will be suggested. The module will then explain and "de-dramatize" models and underline their importance for analysis. It will introduce progressively the use of graphs and networks for analytical modeling.
Unité 1 Ouvrir les "menottes mentales" (1)  
Unité 2 Ouvrir les "menottes mentales" (2)  
Unité 3 Ouvrir les "menottes mentales" (3)  
Unité 4 Modèles, graphiques et réseaux (1)  
Unité 5 Modèles, graphiques et réseaux (2)  
Module 3 Logiciel d'analyse
In this module you will be introduced to open source and free software products - yEd Graph and Gephi - which we shall use in the rest of the course. The advantages of using these software for anticipatory analysis will be underlined and followed by two tutorials, one per software product.
Unité 1 Tutoriel - Créer un graphique avec le graphique de l'année  
Unité 2 Tutoriel - Créer un graphique avec Gephi  
Module 4 Construire votre graphique : Des facteurs, acteurs et variables à la construction du modèle
With this module you will build upon what you saw previously and use it to learn progressively to build a full graph or network for a national or international security issue, or risk, optimised for strategic foresight and warning, risk analysis, or more generally all anticipatory analysis. You will improve your skills at identifying the actors and factors that are crucial for analyzing geopolitical, global and national/domestic security issues, as well as transforming them in a way that allows for proper future-oriented analysis. Finally, this module will explain how to put everything together to obtain a model that is usable across needs.
Unité 1 Les éléments constitutifs d'un graphique pour les questions de sécurité nationale et internationale  
Unité 2 Fondements de l'analyse politique dynamique  
Unité 3 Des facteurs et des acteurs aux variables  
Unité 4 Construire le graphique (double unité)  
Propulsé par Cours WP