This is the starting point for our section on Quantum Information Science (QIS) and Quantum technologies, with an interactive table of content for all our publications (click on the links below to access each article).
Ongoing scientific and technological innovations related to the quantum universe have the potential to fundamentally alter the world as we know it. They are also likely to accelerate and even disrupt more specifically the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Indeed, advances in quantum technologies have been dubbed the “Second Quantum Revolution” (Jonathan P. Dowling, Gerard J. Milburn, “Quantum Technology: The Second Quantum Revolution”, 13 Jun 2002, arXiv:quant-ph/0206091v1).
The articles and reports analyse and explore the ecosystem of quantum technologies, as well as the way quantum computing, quantum sensing and quantum communications will deeply transform our world. Building upon QIS research, they seek to foresee how quantum technologies are likely to impact the future, notably for security and international security, politics and geopolitics. They aim at building a bridge between the world of physicists, mathematicians, and computer scientists and the world of the users of quantum technologies, known and emerging, current and future.
Check also our category (most recent articles first): Quantum Information Science and the Future Quantum World
Nota articles starting with a ★ are premium articles, members-only. The introduction remains nonetheless open access.
Table of Content
1 – Understanding the Coming Quantum Disruption and Geopolitics – Fundamentals

What are quantum information science and quantum technologies; key challenges and issues
2 – Foreseeing the Quantum-powered World

How could a world powered with quantum technologies look like?
- ★ Quantum, AI, and Geopolitics (2): The Quantum Computing Battlefield and the Future
- Quantum Computing, Hollywood and geopolitics
- Foreseeing the Future Quantum-Artificial Intelligence World and Geopolitics
- Quantum Optimization and the Future of Government
3 – Mapping and Monitoring the Race to Quantum Technologies

The race for quantum technologies, its actors, dynamics and characteristics
- Quantum, AI, and Geopolitics (3): Mapping The Race for Quantum Computing
- Mapping the Race to Quantum Computing: The UK National Quantum Technologies Programme
- The Chinese BATX in the Race to Quantum Computing: from Research to Venture Capital through Drugs and Fintech
- Mapping the Chinese Private Actors Race to Quantum
Credits – Images
- CCDC Army Research Laboratory Public Affairs, “Future quantum systems aim to improve Soldier performance“, 3 July 2019 – Public Domain.
- An image of a deuteron, the bound state of a proton (red) and a neutron (blue). Image Credit: Andy Sproles, ORNL – Public Domain.
- Science fiction becomes science fact, “The Future Battlefield“, Army ALT Magazine, Science and Technology, July 18, 2018 – Public Domain
- “Majoranas on Honeycomb” by Jill Hemman – ORNL Art of Science images feature visualization effects, neutrons research – 2018 Director’s Choice -This visualization illustrates neutrons (blue line) scattering off a graphene-like honeycomb material, producing an excitation that behaves like a Majorana fermion—a mysterious particle that is also its own antiparticle (green wave). The visualization supports research by Arnab Banerjee, Mark Lumsden, Alan Tennant, Craig Bridges, Jiaqiang Yan, Matthew Stone, Barry Winn, Paula Kelley, Christian Balz, and Stephen Nagler – Public Domain.