Maximize your interaction with our chat AI assistants with these tips.

Tip 1 – The Politeness Principle

Initiation, explorationDefine your concern, scenario and image
Cascading impacts

AdvancedIndicators, drivers, factors, variables, causal links, models, and graphs.

AdvancedScenarios narratives

ScienceGeopolitics, international relations, political science 
SphinxBiasesChallenge your assumptions and beliefs, devil’s advocate
Tip7 Tips for Effective Communication with Chat AI Assistants

Using Good Manners to Build Rapport with AI Chatbots: Say “Hello,” be nice and respectful.

Just like when you interact with a human being, it’s important to be polite and respectful when communicating with a chat AI assistant. Using please and thank you can go a long way in creating a positive interaction and building a good rapport with the AI assistant.

[Author’s note: I know that sounds crazy, but the nicer you are, the better the answers, or maybe we are just imagining it? Something to say about human beings power of imagination? Or the emergence of something really new? Or OpenAI willingness to reinsert politeness in an increasingly Hobbesian world –  ask Regina if you want to know what is a Hobbesian world].

And also, please, be patient with the AI assistant’s response time.

Tip 2 – Beyond Keywords

Using Complete Sentences to Communicate with AI Assistants: A chat AI assistant is not a search engine. Use sentences and not just words.

Tip 3 – Two-way Communication

Engaging in Dialogue with AI Assistants: Engage in dialogue with the AI assistant by responding to its answers. Politely express your thoughts on whether you find the response convincing or not, if it meets your expectations, and if you require further elaboration or clarification on specific points. Don’t hesitate to request additional details or precision, and to push the exchange further.

Tip 4 – Treating AI Assistants as Individuals

Understanding Personality and Function: Every AI assistant has a distinct personality and function. Treat them as actual individuals responsible for addressing the particular issue they were designed and trained for.

Tip 5 – The Power of Simplicity

Using Clear and Concise Language with AI Assistants: While chat AI assistants are designed to understand natural language, it’s important to avoid using complex sentence structures or industry-specific jargon. Keep your language simple and to the point to ensure the AI assistant can accurately understand and respond to your requests.

Tip 6: Context is Key

Providing Relevant Information to AI Assistants: To ensure the AI assistant can provide accurate and helpful responses, it’s important to provide specific and relevant information. Provide context and specific details. Explain why you are asking such a question and why this would help you. This will help the AI assistant understand your needs and provide the most relevant response.

Tip 7 – Finding the Right Words

Rephrasing Questions for AI Assistants: If the answer does not appear logical, or does not make sense to you, then maybe miscommunication has taken place. Try rephrasing your question… ask the AI assistant to help you in that matter.