Get Strategic Foresight and Warning Scenarios with GPT-based AI – Initiation


Personal International Trainer to Hasten Intelligent Anticipation

To assist you in discovering and exploring strategic foresight and early warning for proactive anticipation and prevention.

This GPT-based AI helps you here with concerns and uncertainty about the future by presenting possible scenarios. Explore too cascading impacts.

This page is tailored to individuals who discover the use of scenarios for proactive anticipation and prevention, which is referred to as actionable strategic foresight and warning.

Click on the AI assistant to access the AI-powered interacting form directly.
Please note that OpenAI GPT models used for the AIs are currently NOT able to browse the Internet.

With the help of the AI-powered form below, first, specify further your future concerns. Then, request scenarios. Optionally, generate an image for your scenarios.

This is an introduction to scenarios, as well as an experimental approach to AI and, for now, GPT-based models and architectures. The scenarios the AI provides here, at this stage, are merely examples and not a structured set for probabilistic analysis, action design, and policy implementation. Furthermore note that GPT-based AI is also prone to confabulation, which is truly useful for scenarios yet, do not hesitate to check things out.

Check how to maximise interactions with AI.
Try! The first 7 queries (across all our AI assistants) are complimentary.
For guests: in a form (Pithia), one click on submit [red button] = 1 query – In a chat (Aria, Calvin, Kai, Regina, Sphinx), 1 question and 1 answer = 2 queries.

For additional use, purchase credits access to our AIs. Existing users should log in to their account.

What keeps you up at night?

Define your concern and transform it in a strategic foresight and early warning question.

Tips: If you want the AI to create another question with the same parameters, click again the button above.
Be careful, previous questions will be lost once you hit the button again. Thus, don’t forget to cut and paste the question somewhere before to try something different. No undo…!

Start planning ahead

Get scenarios for your question

(These are samples of scenarios and not – yet – a truly valid set of scenarios)

Tips: You can demand as many new scenarios and narratives you want by clicking again on the button above.
However, scenarios will not be saved. Thus, don’t forget to cut and paste them somewhere before to hit the button again.

Make your scenarios vivid

Tips: It is important to illustrate scenarios to make them more vivid (read Scenarios: Improving the Impact of Foresight thanks to Biases).
AI-generated images are currently more fun than truly useful. They are not as meaningful and impacting as real art directed work.
Contact our own art director for tailor-made artwork.

AI generated images are more expensive than text (approx. 4x more to get one image than the scenarios).

Do you want to progress further in handling the future?


To enhance your scenarios, such as providing more narrative details or creating catchy titles, utilise our AI assistant for scenarios called Kai.


If you want to build a better and real model for your question, the fundamental basis for excellent and valid scenarios, if you need indicators, use our AI assistant for indicators and variable: Calvin.


If you need help and definitions with geopolitical and political science concepts, definitions etc., use our AI assistant for geopolitics: Regina.

And to go even further and master methodology and process, check our training solutions.

Buy credits to continue utilising our GPT-based AI assistants and support our research endeavour.

Published by Dr Helene Lavoix (MSc PhD Lond)

Dr Helene Lavoix, PhD Lond (International Relations), is the President/CEO of The Red Team Analysis Society. She is specialised in strategic foresight and warning for international relations, national and international security issues. Her current focus is on the war in Ukraine, international order and the rise of China, the overstepping of planetary boundaries and international relations, the methodology of SF&W, radicalisation as well as new tech and security.

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