Meet our AI assistants to help you navigate the future


CAusal Links, Variables, INdicators

To help you with indicators, variables, causal links, models, and graphs.


Knowledge And Imagination

To help you build scenarios and their narratives.


RElations, Geopolitics and INternational Assistant

To help you with geopolitics, international relations, political science, etc.


Artificial RTAS Intelligent Assistant

And always our main assistant (bottom right hand corner)

Click on the AI assistant to discuss with it directly

OpenAI GPT models used for the AIs are currently NOT able to browse the Internet.


AI for indicators, variables, model and graph

AI Engine: Chatbot 'chatbot-4' not found. If you meant to set an ID for your custom chatbot, please use 'custom_id' instead of 'id'.

Find out the factors or rather variables that are key for your question. These variables and the causal links between them create the model (a graph) for your question.

They are also your indicators for your early warning question.

Our AI assistant helps you finding these indicators, variables and the causal links. You can ask the AI to detail further and further each variable. You can ask for help on one variable, or on many, or on causal links, according to your needs.

If you want to create a graph for your model with Gephi, ask the AI for a csv output once you are happy with the result, cut and paste into a spreadsheet and import into Gephi.

Ready for scenarios?


AI for scenarios

AI Engine: Chatbot 'chatbot-3' not found. If you meant to set an ID for your custom chatbot, please use 'custom_id' instead of 'id'.

The AI assistant can help you creating narratives for a specific issue or question.

The AI assistant can handle narratives focused around one variable.

Beware, if you only provide the AI with a question, without a focus variable, for now, the AI only provides sample scenarios and narratives. Those scenarios are NOT a valid set of scenarios, as explained here.

We are trying to train it to make things more complex and critical for us, such as creating scenario trees for two variables and more, besides learning the key features of scenarios if we want them to be valid. Will it be possible or is AI still not developed enough for such tasks? The future will tell…

Back to variables?


AI for geopolitics, international relations and political science

AI Engine: Chatbot 'chatbot-5' not found. If you meant to set an ID for your custom chatbot, please use 'custom_id' instead of 'id'.


Back to variables?


Ready for scenarios?


Need help on political science, geopolitics…?


Our main assistant

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