Listen to The Chronicles of Everstate as podcasts. As we develop the episodes, for a limited time, all articles of the Chronicle of Everstate are open access (free). The podcasts are created with NotebookLM, reviewed by the author.

Listen to the Chronicles of Everstate as a deep dive conversation on our podcast, Foresight Frontlines – Everstate series – The characters and their stories are available only in the audio version – created with NotebookLM.

The Chronicles of Everstate are scenarios for a fictional state created to imagine and tell the story of the potential futures for our – very real – states or countries.

They explain the political dynamics at work in polities. They lay the groundwork to explore the futures of the modern nation-state over the next twenty years as explained in the introductory article Foreseeing the Future of the Modern Nation-State: the Chronicles of Everstate. Finally, they address methodological challenges and issues.

French translations: Only recent articles are human translations. The other articles are automatically translated by DeepL. We are gradually reviewing and improving the translation of these 600 articles…

Table of Content

Setting the Stage: Creating and Navigating the Chronicles of Everstate

Listen to the article as a deep dive conversation on our podcast, Foresight Frontlines – Everstate series – The characters and their stories are available only in the audio version – created with NotebookLM.

The Futures of Everstate

All the narratives below are temporarily free / premium articles (members-only).

How it all started
Everstate in 2212 EVT

Listen to the articles as a deep dive conversation on our podcast, Foresight Frontlines – Everstate series – The characters and their stories are available only in the audio version – created with NotebookLM.
Listen to the articles as a deep dive conversation on our podcast, Foresight Frontlines – Everstate series – The characters and their stories are available only in the audio version – created with NotebookLM.

During the year, Everstate is notably faced with a critical juncture point and three possible scenarios evolve from there.

Scenario 1 – Mamominarch
Off with the State

Listen to the articles as a deep dive conversation on our podcast, Foresight Frontlines – Everstate series – The characters and their stories are available only in the audio version – created with NotebookLM.
Listen to the articles as a deep dive conversation on our podcast, Foresight Frontlines – Everstate series – The characters and their stories are available only in the audio version – created with NotebookLM.

Podcast Everstate Episode 6 and following – Forthcoming

Complex catastrophes strike…

Scenario 2: Panglossy
Same Old, Same Old

Bibliography on nations, governance and the modern state (Open Access)


We are republishing the whole Chronicles of Everstate considering their relevance to the second decade of the twenty-first century. This very pertinence shows the validity of our methodology and approach. Given proper resources, SF&W or risk management products are an investment for actors that can help them steer their strategies and policies not only on the very short term but also over a long time.
The mapping for the Chronicles of Everstate was developed throughout 2010 and 2011. The scenarios were written between June 2011 and July 2012. For the scenarios themselves, the re-publishing process will only update the form and the technical part, but not the content, to allow for lessons learned.

Featured image: Detail of the frontispiece of the book Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes via Wikimedia Commons.

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