“Climate change is one of a series of powerful planetary geophysical and biological change that are under way (as biodiversity crisis, land use and freshwater use, ocean acidification, etc.). These changes being extremely rapid, they are altering the basic equilibrium on which rest the security of nations, and play a geostrategic role, which needs to be fully understood, as those systems of planetary changes emerge as very powerful new strategic forces.
These forces are reshaping the whole international relationships web, as well as the fabric of nations, societies and communities. They are causing new kinds of tensions, which are the engines of actual, and coming, conflicts, struggles, revolutions, and wars.” (Climate change, a geostrategic issue? Yes! by Jean-Michel Valantin)
Dr Jean-Michel Valantin leads this section, which will explain and explore why climate change should also be seen from a geostrategic perspective, and show through concrete examples that, actually, the evolution in strategic thinking and actions has already started.
List of articles:
- All articles in category Environment and Security
- China, the New Silk Road and Resource Security, by JM Valantin, 18 May 2015.
- Environment, Climate Change, War and State, by JM Valantin, 16 March 2015.
- Turkey: an energy and environmental power, by JM Valantin, 23 February 2015.
- The Arctic, Russia and China’s Energy Transition, by JM Valantin, 2 February 2015.
- Oil Flood (2) – Oil and Politics in a (Real) Multipolar World, by JM Valantin, 12 January 2015.
- Oil Flood (1)? The Kingdom is Back, by JM Valantin, 15 December 2014.
- “Interstellar” – Strategic Warning and Response Alternatives for the Resource Crisis, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 25 November 2014.
- Energy, Climate and Military Paradox, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 27 October 2014.
- The Russian Arctic, Energy and a Massive Power Shift, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 6 October 2014.
- War, Zombies and Strategy, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 22 September 2014.
- Invasion Z: Zombie Wars or Resource Wars? by Jean-Michel Valantin, 8 September 2014.
- Arctic: the US Lost Frontier? by Jean-Michel Valantin, 14 July 2014.
- Arctic Fusion: Russia and China Convergent Strategies, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 23 June 2014
- Arctic China (2) – The Chinese Shaping of the North, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 9 June 2014
- Arctic China (1) – The Dragon and the Vikings, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 26 May 2014
- Egypt and Climate Security, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 12 May 2014
- Security and Sustainability: the Future of Egypt?, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 28 April 2014
- Egypt, Climate Change and the Long Resource Civil Warfare, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 14 April 2014
- Hyper Siege: Climate Change versus U.S. National Security, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 31 March 2014
- Climate Blowback and US National Security, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 17 March 2014
- Climate Change and U.S. National Security: a Geoeconomic Approach, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 3 March 2014
- Afghanistan at a New Crossroad: Resource Curse or Asian integration? by Jean-Michel Valantin, 17 February 2014
- Storms and floods, harbinger of multifaceted changes – The Red (Team) Analysis Weekly No139, 13 February 2014, by Helene Lavoix
- Pakistan and the “Long Storm”, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 3 February 2014
- The Warming Arctic, a Hyper Strategic Crisis, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 20 January 2014.
- Arctic Warming and Eurasian Grand Strategies, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 6 January 2014.
- The Arctic Power Race: the New Great Game, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 23 December 2013.
- The Persian Gulf, between Power and Collapse, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 9 December 2013
- Climate of Change on the Red Sea, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 25
- Surviving the Gulf of Aden: a New Strategic Paradigm for the Future of the Region, by Jean-Michel Valantin, 11
- Somali Piracy: a Model for Tomorrow’s Life in the Anthropocene? by Jean-Michel Valantin, 28
- Climate change, a geostrategic issue? Yes! by Jean-Michel Valantin, 14 October 2013.
- A Road to Hell? Climate Change and Public Deficit, by Helene Lavoix, 18
To find all posts related to this issue, for example in the Chronicles of Everstate or in the Weekly, check also the corresponding tags, such as climate change, environment, environmental change, environmental conflict, etc.