Here we shall present the drivers and forces behind the current exponential development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Deep Learning, a sub-field of AI, leads this expansion, as we explained in “When Artificial Intelligence will Power Geopolitics – Presenting AI” (open access) and in “Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning – The New AI-World in the Making” (semi-open access/members only).
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- Revisiting Uranium Supply Security (1)
- The Future of Uranium Demand – China’s Surge
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- AI at War (1) – Ukraine
- Anticipate and Get Ready for the Future – Podcast
- The Return of Nuclear Energy
- Climate Change, Planetary Boundaries and Geopolitical Stakes
Because we are seeing emerging an international race to AI-power – i.e. how one ranks in the global relative distribution of power, as probably increasingly determined by AI – on the one hand, the birth of AI-governance and AI-management on the other, as we pointed out previously (The New AI-World in the Making), the current AI drivers are not only forces behind the expansion of AI but also stakes in the AI competition, which we are seeing as increasingly operating. Meanwhile, how this competition is handled, its dynamics, the defeats and victories it will entail will also shape the new AI-world in the making.
The first series of drivers is classically technological, and composed of algorithms, computing power and big data. The second series of drivers is also rather technological and scientific, and composed of a critical uncertainty, the race to quantum supremacy, and of the challenge of “acting outputs”. Needs and Usages is the last driver we identified, but not the least. Each driver and stake will be further examined in detail in following articles.
An adapted version of this article was included in a keynote speech given at the concluding plenary of the 6th European Forum of the fraud and prevention network Reso-Club, focused this year on Digital Identity: New Rights and New Risks.
Featured image: Cover page of Army AL&T Magazine October-December 2018 [Public Domain].