Artificial Intelligence, Computing Power and Geopolitics (1)

With this article we shall look more in detail at the relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) in its Deep Learning component, and computing power or hardware, a connection we started exploring with our previous article, “When AI Started Creating AI“. The foundations for understanding the link between AI-Deep Leaning and computing power being laid, the …

Being Serious about Europe’s Place in the World? The Red (Team) Analysis Weekly –
7 June 2018

Each week our scan collects weak – and less weak – signals… Editorial Although the G7 summit is drawing near (starting 8 June 2018), it does not generate an overwhelming interest in terms of crowdsourced signals. Yet, German Chancellor Angela Merkel called for Europe to “Step Up in `World Being Reorganized’“, while the “EU College …

Signal: The Pentagon Researches Artificial Intelligence Systems for Nuclear Missile Launch Anticipation

Impact on Issues and Uncertainties ➚➚ Escalating AI-power race notably between the U.S. on the one hand, China and in a lesser way Russia on the other. ➚➚ Redrawing of the power map of the world along AI-power status lines ➚➚ Rising uncertainty regarding the emerging AI-world ➚ Possible widening of the range of response, …

Signals: China Planetary 3D Strategy, Deep Sea Resources in the South China Sea

The April and May 2018 Chinese successful deep sea explorations in the South China Sea lead to novel future possibilities, including a rising uncertainty in the security and resource sectors for all actors, states and companies alike, involving a complete redrawing of the influence map, of the capabilities needed and relatedly of the strategies and policies to develop and implement.

Migrating RTAS Website to New Host

Dear Users, Update 28 May 2018: The migration has taken place without any major problem. We are still in the process of testing all features, and optimising the website to deliver best user experience. Thank you for your understanding as we proceed. We are in the process of migrating the Red (Team) Analysis Society website …

Warning – Ebola Outbreak in the DRC Spreading – to Put under Watch

Risk level and Uncertainties ➚ Risk level ➃ very high at the national level (WHO assess.) ➂ high at the regional level (WHO assess.) ➀ weak at the global level (WHO assess.) ➚ ➀  Risk for actors without activities within the DRC – Put the risk under watch Main concerned actors: travel and tourism, NGOs, Mining companies (notably Cobalt, Copper) – …

When AI Started Creating AI – Artificial Intelligence and Computing Power

2018 could be the year when the U.S. takes back the lead over China with the most powerful supercomputer in the world. It could be the year when the AI-power war over computing power started. 2017 is the year when Artificial Intelligence started creating Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is the year when China overtook the US …

★ Big Data, Driver for Artificial Intelligence… but Not in the Future?

On 10 and 11 April 2018, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and chief executive of Facebook went through a two-day congressional testimony in the U.S. (Cecilia Kang et al., “Mark Zuckerberg Testimony: Day 2 Brings Tougher Questioning“, The New York Times, 11 April 2018). The questioning followed the scandal involving Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, a data analysis consulting …

★ Artificial Intelligence – Forces, Drivers and Stakes

Here we shall present the drivers and forces behind the current exponential development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Deep Learning, a sub-field of AI, leads this expansion, as we explained in “When Artificial Intelligence will Power Geopolitics – Presenting AI” (open access) and in “Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning – The New AI-World in the Making” (semi-open …

Signals: U.S. Sponsored Kurdish-led Border Army in Syria and Responses

Impacts and Consequences The main critical uncertainty related to the American move is first the level of this commitment and then its consistency over time. As a result the survival of the Syrian autonomous region, the Kurdish-led Federation of Northern Syria has also become more uncertain.  The outcome in terms of American regional and global influence is also uncertain. The main other impacts are Lower likelihood to see rapidly a constructive peace settling in for SyriaLower likelihood to see the creation of a Federal SyriaRising Middle East tensionRising global tensions, notably with the U.S. on the one hand, Russia, China, Turkey, and Iran on the other. (Nota: The symbolic board has been moved to the end of the analysis and before …

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