The Future of Iran’s Regional Role – The Islamic Revolution and Iran’s Political System

Trump’s decision to pull out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA, better known as the Iran Nuclear Deal) is a highly destabilizing element in an already unstable regional scenario characterized by wars in Syria and Yemen, the never-ending Israeli-Palestinian question, the rift between Qatar and the other Gulf countries (chiefly Saudi Arabia and …

Signals: China Planetary 3D Strategy, Deep Sea Resources in the South China Sea

The April and May 2018 Chinese successful deep sea explorations in the South China Sea lead to novel future possibilities, including a rising uncertainty in the security and resource sectors for all actors, states and companies alike, involving a complete redrawing of the influence map, of the capabilities needed and relatedly of the strategies and policies to develop and implement.

Militarizing Artificial Intelligence – China (2)

In this article, we shall focus on the strategic meaning of the rapid integration of artificial intelligence (AI) by the Chinese military, at the level of command and management of warfare operations. In the first article of this series, we saw how the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is working to integrate AI to numerous …

Warning – Ebola Outbreak in the DRC Spreading – to Put under Watch

Risk level and Uncertainties ➚ Risk level ➃ very high at the national level (WHO assess.) ➂ high at the regional level (WHO assess.) ➀ weak at the global level (WHO assess.) ➚ ➀  Risk for actors without activities within the DRC – Put the risk under watch Main concerned actors: travel and tourism, NGOs, Mining companies (notably Cobalt, Copper) – …

The Future of Iran’s Regional Role – A Historical Backgrounder

For this strategic foresight and warning series focused on the future of Iran notably as a regional player, within the next three to five years, we shall start analysing Iran’s history and political institutions and then we shall investigate Iran’s relations with leading regional and global powers.

When AI Started Creating AI – Artificial Intelligence and Computing Power

2018 could be the year when the U.S. takes back the lead over China with the most powerful supercomputer in the world. It could be the year when the AI-power war over computing power started. 2017 is the year when Artificial Intelligence started creating Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is the year when China overtook the US …

Militarizing Artificial Intelligence – China (1)

On 7 March 7 2017, Lieutenant General Liu Guozhi of the Science and Technology Commission of the Central Military Commission stated that “Artificial intelligence … will bring about fundamental changes, and even lead to a profound military revolution.” (Wang Liang et al., “NPC deputy Liu Guozhi: Artificial intelligence will accelerate the process of military transformation“, CNR …

★ Big Data, Driver for Artificial Intelligence… but Not in the Future?

On 10 and 11 April 2018, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and chief executive of Facebook went through a two-day congressional testimony in the U.S. (Cecilia Kang et al., “Mark Zuckerberg Testimony: Day 2 Brings Tougher Questioning“, The New York Times, 11 April 2018). The questioning followed the scandal involving Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, a data analysis consulting …

Scenario The Rise of the Renminbi – Futures of the US Dollar Supremacy

In this article, part of our series on the possible futures of the US dollar supremacy, we focus our attention on the scenario “The Rise of the Renminbi”, which we deem more interesting in the way it would unfold. In the previous article, we highlighted three different main lead scenarios that could potentially describe the developments that will take place in the future, “The Rise of the Renminbi” being one of them. With this series, trying to understand the possible futures of the US dollar supremacy, we analysed the currency functions (medium of exchange, store of value, unit of account) that make the dollar the necessary currency together with the challenges looming over the petrodollar system, the perspective of the renminbi as a leading …

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Space Mining, Artificial Intelligence and Transition?

Is space mining the short and long-term future for energy and industry? Nowadays, this question is rooted in the rapid development of the industrial, financial, technological and legal apparatus around the idea of mining asteroids. For example, on 6 January 2015, the US President, then Barack Obama, signed the US commercial space launch competitiveness act. …