Energy Security

Energy, energy security, energy independence and energy sovereignty are fundamental features of international relations and geopolitics. Indeed, Thomas Homer-Dixon, in his fascinating The Upside of Down: Catastrophe, Creativity and the Renewal of civilization (Knopf, 2006) reflected upon the fall of Rome and its civilization and other disasters to identify how and why a society could …

Stabilising Or Escalating a Protest Movement?

Farmers’ protests have spread throughout Europe (notably France, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania…) since at least mid-2023 with escalation at the start of 2024, as well as in India although for different reasons. In this light, we republish two articles that address the issue of protests and how they should or could be answered. …

Climate Breakdown: Towards War to Reduce CO2 Emissions?

(Art direction and design: Jean-Dominique Lavoix-Carli) “Climate breakdown has begun” warned UN Secretary-General António Guterres in a statement released on 6 September 2023. Globally, throughout the 2023 Summer, the world has lived through the beginning of the turmoil and havoc that climate change and related temperature rise bring. Repeated heatwaves, related air pollution “with knock-on …

Challenge Your Beliefs with the AI Sphinx

Try Sphinx to challenge your beliefs, assumptions and hypotheses.
Sphinx is an AI assistant designed to challenge assumptions, reinforce arguments, and identify blind spots. It uses OpenAI’s GPT3.5 model and the Red Team Analysis Society’s methodology and knowledge base to provide a devil’s advocate perspective. In this article, we also explore the importance of challenging assumptions and showcase what Sphinx can achieve with the example of climate change.

Exploring cascading impacts with AI

Strategic foresight, early warning and risk management require evaluating possible impacts beyond direct effects. Explore cascading effects with Pithia’s AI-powered form. Discover what could be the cascading impacts of a very rapid adoption of generative AI across actors in the Western world… as identified by our AI.

Foreseeing the Future with ChatGPT?

Discover how AI, particularly GPT-like models, can help anticipate the future, and why it matters in the fields of geopolitics and security. In this series of articles, we explore how to ensure technology remains a tool to serve us rather than becoming a slave to it. The first article looks at what GPT models are, why they matter in terms of jobs and occupations, and tests ChatGPT on a specific foresight question.

AI Assistants for Strategic Foresight and Early Warning

Meet our AI GPT-based assistants that will help you navigate the future Calvin CAusal Links, Variables, INdicators To assist you with indicators, variables, causal links, models, and graphs. Kai Knowledge And Imagination To help you build scenarios and their narratives. Regina RElations, Geopolitics and INternational Assistant To assist you with geopolitics, international relations, political science, etc. Aria Artificial RTAS Intelligent Assistant And always our main assistant …

AI Assistants for Strategic Foresight and Early Warning

Meet our AI assistants to help you navigate the future Calvin CAusal Links, Variables, INdicators To help you with indicators, variables, causal links, models, and graphs. Kai Knowledge And Imagination To help you build scenarios and their narratives. Regina RElations, Geopolitics and INternational Assistant To help you with geopolitics, international relations, political science, etc. Aria …

Early Warning for Individuals and Small Businesses – Overcoming Energy Insecurity

(Art design: Jean-Dominique Lavoix-Carli) How can individuals and small business leaders protect themselves against the crises and upheavals that seem to be imposed on them? Can they take advantage of tools that are generally reserved for state actors, especially security forces, and sometimes for large companies? Can such a tool, early warning, be useful for …

An Alternative Red Scenario for the war between Ukraine and Russia

(Art direction: Jean-Dominique Lavoix-Carli) The September 2022 Ukrainian counter-offensive against Russia is hailed as very successful. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked the “true heroes” who allowed for a “very rapid liberation” of 8000 sq km by 14 September 22 “in the east, notably in the Kharkiv Oblast, and the south, notably in the Kherson oblast”, …