Signal: Spanish Stabilising Reassertion of Rule over Catalonia

Impact on Issues and Uncertainties

?  Perceptions, reactions and interactions outside Barcelona, notably in independence towns and areas, as well as outside major “central regional” political and civil servant circles (critical uncertainty).

➘➘➘ ➁ Large peaceful civil resistance and disobedience across Catalonia for Independence

➘➘➘ ➁  Civil Unrest in Catalonia against Spain

➘➙ ➁ Secessions and deep changes of nations within the EU… and globally

We identified with previous signals that two uncertainties were critical to see stabilisation or, on the contrary, escalation, taking place in Catalonia over its independence.

One of them was the capability of the Spanish government to reassert its rule over the break away region in a stabilising way, notably without violence. This is what Madrid has so far succeeded in doing.

The second was the willingness of the proponents of an Independent Catalunya to stand up at all costs for their ideal and goals, while also remaining true to their non-violent commitment. This is not what the ruling political authorities appear to have done. On the contrary they extremely quickly submitted to Madrid’s, from acquiescence of deputies not to convene, to the running away of the Catalan executive, to the union’s cancellation of a general strike, to acceptance of new elections decided by Madrid – which de facto deny the reality of the previous independence declaration – to the absence of peaceful and civil disobedience by civil servants. If we seek falsification, to see this rapid submission transformed into a stand for independence, we would have to imagine a grand scheme designed to lull Madrid into confidence to allow for the organisation of a massive civil disobedience movement. This sounds highly unlikely, although of course not impossible.

Nonetheless, the situation outside Barcelona, notably in pro-independence towns, as well as outside civil servants and elite circles should be also surveilled for better analytical judgement on the future, as such collective processes could indeed take place, and thus constitute a new critical uncertainty.

In conclusion, the monitoring of the uncertainties initially identified would indicate that the situation is likely to be stabilising Catalonia, assuming nothing derails the current trend, and no new development takes place outside Barcelona and regional major political circles.

Spanish prosecutor accuses sacked Catalan leader of rebellion

BARCELONA/MADRID (Reuters) – Spain’s state prosecutor accused sacked Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont of rebellion and sedition on Monday as the former regional president traveled to Belgium with other members of his ousted administration and hired a lawyer there.

Towards the End of the US Dollar Supremacy? How Currency Internationalization Impacts State Power

In this article, we shall look further upon the impacts that currency internationalization has not only on the issuer’s economy but also on its foreign policy, international power and status, as stemming from each currency function (medium of exchange, unit of account, store of value, both at the private and the public level).  This will notably allow us to understand the main signals and data that we shall have to monitor and analyse to assess the future of the US dollar supremacy and, consequently, the effects that its eventual collapse could have at the international level.

In the previous article, we started pointing out that currency internationalization brings benefits and costs to the issuing country from both an economic and a geopolitical point of view, focusing notably on fundamentals.

Executive Summary

Continuing in laying out the necessary basis to examine challenges to the US Dollar supremacy, this article focuses upon the impacts that every single international currency function (medium of exchange, unit of account, store of value, both at the private and the public level) has not only on the issuer’s economy but also on its foreign policy, international power and status.

First, the impacts that the medium of exchange and unit of account functions have on the issuer’s country are not only economic benefits, including reduction in transaction costs, and denomination rents, but also an increase in soft power. On the down side, when a currency acts as an exchange-rate anchor (unit of account function at the public level), it can cause limitations in independently determining the value of the currency.

Second, the most relevant effects to the economic and geopolitical power of the issuer come from the two store of value functions. These take the form of an enhanced macroeconomic flexibility that allows to run important current account deficits. Furthermore, the issuing government can also take advantage of the greater centrality of its financial markets to impose sanctions on rival countries and offer side-payments. The store of value functions also enhances the ability to finance military spending.

Finally, we highlight that the possibility to exert influence on the international arena also depends on the presence of alternatives to the home currency (supply) and on the value of the assets denominated in the home currency but held by foreigners (demand).

In conclusion, stressing the importance of trade in determining the composition of foreign exchange reserves, we introduce the pivotal role of the petrodollar system, which will be explored with the next article.

Full article 2278 words – approx. 7 pages

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Our next article will therefore dig deeper into the role of petrodollars and explore its link to the status of the US dollar on the world stage.

About the author:  Leonardo Frisani (MA Paris) focuses currently on challenges to the US Dollar supremacy. Beyond that, his specialisation is in international security, and his main interests are in geopolitics, macroeconomics, climate change, international energy and history.

Main references

Bank for International Settlements (2016), Foreign Exchange Turnover in April 2016, Monetary and Economic Department.

Cappella, R. (2014) “Economic Statecraft and Power Redistribution during Wartime: Lessons from the Sterling Era and the Future of America’s Military Might”, Boston University.

Cohen, Benjamin J. (2015) Currency Power. Understanding Monetary Rivalry. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Harstad, B., “Do side payments help? Collective Decisions and Strategic Delegation”, Journal of the European Economic Association, April-May 2008, 6 (2-3) : 468-477.

Insana R., “What China selling US Treasurys really means”, CNBC, 15 October 2015. Retrieved: 26 October 2017.

International Monetary Fund, Annual Report on
Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions (Washington, October 2016).

Jenkins, L., “Panama’s Banks Face Ruin”,  The Washington Post. 10 April 1988. Retrieved: 18 October 2017.

Newsweek Staff, “A timeline of U.S. Aid to Pakistan”, Newsweek, 20 October 2009. Retrieved: 23 October 2017.

Swoboda, A. K. (1968), The Euro-Dollar Market: An Interpretation, Essays in International Finance 64 (Princeton, NJ: International Finance Section).

Viotti, P. R. (2014), The Dollar and National Security: The Monetary Component of Hard Power. Stanford, CA; Stanford University Press.



Signals: Talks between Iraqi forces and Kurdish Peshmerga; President Barzani Steps Down; Iran…

Impact on Issues ➚ ? ➃  Short term – Willingness of Iraq to capitalize further on their military victory against the Kurds, notably capturing Kurdish oilfields (uncertainty)? Medium to longer term – capacity of Iraq to govern legitimately over its multi-sectarian multi-ethnic population (critical uncertainty) ➚ ➃  /➄ Iraq strength and international support ➘➘➘ ➂ Legitimacy of Iraqi Kurdish political authorities and parties➘➘➘ Prospects for Iraqi Kurds’ independence and even autonomy ➚➚ ➃  Iran’s influence in Iraq and in the region➘ ➙  Saudi Arabia’s influence➘ ? Saudi Arabia – Iran tensions ➚ ? ➃ Russia’s influence➘➘ ➃  U.S. influence ➘ ➄ Syrian Kurds prospects ➚ ➃  Russia’s influence trial in Syria➘➚? ➃ Middle East Tension As the internationally abandoned Iraqis Kurds appear to have, at least temporarily, not only lost their bid for …

The remaining part of this article is for our members and those who purchased special access plans. Make sure you get real analysis and not opinion, or, worse, fake news. Log in and access this article.

Signals: Catalonia Prepares for Spain Take Over

Impact on Issues

? ➂  towards  The way Spain will practically implement the take over of Catalan administrations and institutions is critical (critical uncertainty)

➚➚➚ ➂ Large peaceful civil resistance and disobedience across Catalonia for Independence

➚➚➚ ➂  Civil Unrest in Catalonia against Spain

 ➁ Secessions and deep changes of nations within the EU… and globally

Update 15:45 – 27 Oct 2017 – The Parliament of Catalonia declares independence through a vote on related resolution (70 votes in favour, 10 against and 2 blank ballots, the remaining deputies abstained and had left the parliament, boycotting a vote they considered as illegal).

On 27 October 2017, Spain has obtained the Senate approval for the application of Art. 155 of the Spanish constitution against Catalonia and implementation of direct rule on Barcelona, thereby ending at least temporarily the autonomy of the region (vote results: 214 in favour, 47 against 1 abstention – Update 16:55 27 Oct 2015).

According to the decision taken by the President of the Spanish government Rajoy, Catalonia’s government will be “removed from office”, within six months, the new Spanish-backed authorities will dissolve the Catalan Parliament and early legislative elections will be called. Until then, the Catalan Parliament will be under “series of control measures”. In the meanwhile, all departments in Catalonia’s administration will be taken over by Madrid’s central power, including Catalonia’s police, the Mossos d’Esquadra, new institutions if believed useful could be created. The Catalan governmental media likewise will be under Madrid’s control.

On Thursday 26 October, Carlos Puigdemont, President of the Catalonia government, decided not to call for early elections, when many expected him to do so. He stated that the absence of guaranteed from Madrid, regarding deciding not to apply Art. 155 if he did call for elections, led him to this decision. It would seem that behind the scenes, the majority of the parties composing the pro-independence alliance, Junts pel Sí, were opposed to early elections and wanted to move on with independence, as stated by Vice President Oriol Junqueras.

As a result, as the Spanish Senate holds its session, the Catalan Parliament is also to gather (session meant to start at noon CET) to decide about the course of action to choose regarding Art. 155. The decision is likely to include a formal declaration of Independence, considering the composition of the Catalan parliament (72 seats potentially for independence against possibly 63 in the opposition thus potentially opposing independence). However, every individual vote will be crucial and surprise may also occur.

What may then happen?

It would seem that civil disobedience is to be expected that will try to prevent as much as possible Madrid to take over the Catalan administration.

Meetings have been held by pro-Independence Deputies all over Catalonia to explain to people what to expect, which implies that the mobilisation of people, if need be, has started. Spontaneous meetings seem also to have been held across Catalonia to reject the application of Art. 155 by Madrid.

The Catalan police force would appear to be divided between pro-independence and anti-independence forces. It is however likely that, considering belief in the chain of command, the Mossos d’Esquadra will not – except serious mistakes made by Madrid – at least that early in the process, act beyond passive resistance for independence.

Finally, the official language used, for example, by Carlos Puigdemont in its latest statement, has started to change: he specifically mentions that those “adding more tension” are  the “People’s Party”, and not anymore the Spanish government, which thus brings forward the spectre of Franco’s rule. This would tend to indicate an ideological escalation too.

Thus, what we may expect to see initially is a very large civil resistance and disobedience movement, however essentially non-violent, settling throughout Catalonia.

It is possible that this type of resistance would also take place even if the Catalan Parliament bowed to Madrid.

The way thus Madrid will implement the activated Art. 155 will be crucial in moving the country towards, this time, violent unrest, or on the contrary, in stabilising the situation.

Considering, however, the intransigency displayed so far by the Spanish Government of the People’s Party led by President Rajoy, we may fear a too heavy-handed Spanish application of Art. 155, thus further escalation.

Official Statement by the President on the approval of Article 155

In these last hours, before my authority to hold parliamentary elections expires as a result of the measures proposed by the Spanish government in the application of Article 155, I considered the possibility of exercising it and calling for an election.

Catalan VP says Spain ‘gives us no option’ but to secede

BARCELONA, Spain – Spanish authorities are leaving separatists in Catalonia with “no other option” but to push ahead with declaring independence for the wealthy northeastern region, its vice president said Wednesday. Spain has announced plans to fire Catalonia’s government and directly manage its affairs after it held an independence vote that was declared illegal by the country’s constitutional court.

Demoralised and divided – inside Catalonia’s police force

With the Spanish government ready to take over the running of Catalonia on Friday, the loyalty of the local police to Madrid or to the Catalan cause will be tested if they are ordered to drag their former political masters from office.

Speech by President of the Government following extraordinary meeting of Council of Ministers, Moncloa Palace, Madrid, Saturday 21 October 2017

Spain Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers, 21 October 2017 – Summary

ACUERDO EN RELACIÓN CON LAS MEDIDAS A QUE SE REFIERE EL ARTÍCULO 155 DE LA CONSTITUCIÓN –Full text – Official publication – application Art. 155 to Catalonia

Signal: Turkish President Erdogan Declares Afrin as Possible Next Military Target

Impact on Issues ? ➄ Bashar al-Assad government decision regarding the further Turkish military actions regarding the Federation of Northern Syria and the Kurds (critical uncertainty)? ➄ Iran position considering a Turkish military action in Syria against the Federation of Northern Syria and the Kurds (critical uncertainty) ➚➚➚ ➃  Turkey acting militarily against the Federation of Northern Syria in Afrin ➚ ➚   ➃ Iran influence➚  ➄ Syrian future ➚  ➃ Israel perception of threat ➚ ➃ Middle East Tension ➚ ➃ Russia influence trial➚ ➃ U.S. influence trial Turkey President Erdogan old the parliamentary group of his Justice and Development Party (AKP) on Oct. 24 that:“Our operation in Idlib is nearly complete. Ahead of us is Afrin. These are threats to us and we will never make concessions to such threats.”For previous and other signals …

The remaining part of this article is for our members and those who purchased special access plans. Make sure you get real analysis and not opinion, or, worse, fake news. Log in and access this article.

Signals: China’s Xi Jinping Thought, Real Economy and … Global Finance

Impact on Issues

 China opposes the financialization of the Chinese economy
➚ ? China will have to oppose the actors of global finance (high uncertainty)

  Successful development of Chinese economy
➚ Improvement of the economies of “countries under financialization” (e.g. most of Western countries)
Restart of prosperity trend within “countries under financialization” (e.g. most of Western countries)
Lowering inequalities within societies under financialization (e.g. most of Western countries)

 China influence
Perception of a benevolent China
U.S. influence
USD supremacy

Warning (threat): Turmoil as battles take place between China and the actors of global finance, and their respective supporters
Warning (Opportunity) – Longer term: Towards a change of the actors of global finance towards less predatory finance

As the 19th Communist Party of China (CPC) Congress closes, Xi Jinping, his vision, power and actions are consecrated through the enshrinement of Xi’s thoughts on “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era” in the CPC constitution.

Notably, this means that the Chinese political authorities declare a commitment to “providing a better life” … to Chinese people. The ways and means to achieve Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and this better life are numerous, as described in the 3.5 hours speech of Xi Jinping and aim at building a country by 2050 that is “‘prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful,’ incorporating ‘Beautiful China’ into the development plan”.
Meanwhile, the Chinese also are at pain to emphasise that their new vision and commitment will too bring happiness and prosperity to the whole world.

Some commentators, such as the Forbes’ article selected as signal below, point out nonetheless the very real risks to foreign companies, and the difficulties entailed by forced technological transfers, for example, or by a globalization and free trade that China promotes for others, but which is applied differently when foreign firms want an access to the Chinese Market.

Beyond these risks and possible contradiction, an attentive reading of Chinese commentaries in official Chinese media such as Global Times (i.e. approved thoughts), would also point towards another extremely interesting indication. If we follow Toumert AI, director of Education, International Bachelor Program at the International School under the China Foreign Affairs University in its 23 October Commentary “China’s economic governance will benefit the entire world”, we read that:

“First, we noticed a call for giving priority to the real economy. If we’ve learned anything from the global financial crisis of 2008, it is that any economic model that does not focus on the public as a whole will only widen the gap between the rich and poor, and between the real economy and the financial one.”

We may thus wonder if China will not oppose the financialization of the economy and, as a result, the “actors of global finance” – those actors promoting and benefitting from extreme financialization – to the least within China. Other signals prior to the CPC Congress would point in a similar direction, as exemplified by the August article “China’s Financial sector must resume role of serving real economy” (see below).

This issue – China vs Global Finance – must be put on the watch, as the war will most probably be momentous considering the means of each type of players and the mammoth stakes. It will also be necessary to envision that it will likely take place on a global scale and not only within China, as the actors promoting global financialization are indeed global.

Interestingly, one of the possible impacts of this possible war could be an improvement of Western economies and of the lives of Western working and middle classes.

Indeed, Chinese development has also contributed – among others – to the impoverishment of millions of workers in “advanced economies” and to the dwindling away of the Western middle class, which, in turn favoured, among others, the rise of populism. Thus, if China wants sincerely to be seen as a benevolent power, worldwide, it must also pay attention to see this adverse trend stopping, yet without endangering its own rise and objectives. If we look for other factors that stop the West to recover from the financial crisis and to see prosperity for all starting again, rather than seeing inequality rising perpetually, we find indeed the financialization of the economy, the absence of investments because returns are never high enough in the real economy, predatory finance and its buy-backs of shares rather than proper productive corporate policies, etc.

As a result, we may wonder if the possible war China could be starting for the real economy would not indeed derail the current financial predicament into which the world and more particularly the West lives. As battles take place, the financial world will have to change, even though the various faces these evolution may take still need to be envisioned.

We may thus be warning, for once, about an opportunity, save for the proponents of predatory finance.


China’s economic governance will benefit entire world – Global Times

As General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the opening session of the 19th CPC National Congress on Wednesday, a new paradigm of economic development and governance was announced that will have a deep impact on China’s future in the 21st century.

China’s Financial sector must resume role of serving real economy – Global Times

The relationship between the real economy and the financial sector has always been the core subject of macroeconomics. In essence, positive interactions between the two are not only the basis of national financial stability and security, but also the foundation of sustainable development of the national economy and even the world economy.

CPC Constitution enshrines Xi’s thought as part of action guide – Global Times

An amendment to the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was approved Tuesday, making Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as a new component of the Party’s guide for action, according to a resolution of the 19th CPC National Congress.

CPC commitment in new era: a better life – Global Times

In many other countries, serving the people is an empty promise, but in China people are precisely the focus of politics. It is their needs that form the entire focus of all policy. This is socialism. To build a better life is the Party’s commitment to the people in a new era.

Infographic: The Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era – Xinhua |


China First: Foreign Tech Terms Must Be Wary Under Xi Jinping’s Rule

Using the the twice-a-decade Communist Party Congress as his platform, President Xi Jinping has laid out his sweeping plan to make China a leading global power in influence, innovation and military might by 2050.

The elephant in the room | Barclays Investment Bank

Hyperglobalisation’s disproportionate effect on the distribution of global wages, explains much about the rising protectionist sentiment.

Featured Image: Xi Jinping, BRICS leaders meeting, 7 July 2017, [CC BY 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Signal: Two Regions in Italy Vote Heavily for Autonomy

Impact on Issues

 Italy, Lombardy and Veneto: towards autonomy?
? The end of an Italian nation?
? The future of the Italian State?
? The Italian South reaction ?

➚➚ ➁ Deep changes for the nations and their modern-state, and “liberal democracies”, within the EU… and globally (high uncertainty)

? The EU structure (including staff) and governance must change (high uncertainty)

➂  The new polities and climate change (high uncertainty)
? The new polities and the dominant powers (U.S., China, Russia)(high uncertainty)

Warning (Opportunity) – Opportunity to plan ahead for the EU and its member states, as well as worldwide?
Warning (Opportunity) – Opportunity to discard obsolete structures and work towards letting emerge new adapted ones

Two regions in Italy, namely Lombardy (Capital Milan) and Veneto (capital Venice) voted heavily for autonomy within Italy on 22 October 2017. Although only 40% and 57% of citizens voted, the vote for autonomy was massive for both, above 95% (preliminary counts).

These two regions represent respectively 20% and 10% of Italy’s economy, and want to use the referenda to demand Italy a larger say on their governance, indeed autonomy, not only in terms of taxes and public services, but also security, including immigration.

For previous and other signals check the

Horizon Scanning Board

As we pointed out previously, the impact of the European Union very political existence and dynamics is starting to become apparent in terms of the destruction or mildly the weakening of the modern state and one of its children the nations in their current boundaries.

If we also look at Catalonia (see corresponding signals in the Horizon Scanning Board), we start seeing an emerging outline in terms of the ideology and way the new “imagined communities”, to use Benedict Anderson’s concept, define themselves. It would seem we are witnessing a mix between the plutocratic ideology (profits and material wealth are paramount) promoted since at least the end of the Cold War, a return to old, historically constructed regional entities, reinforced by “nationalist” narratives, with a return to a cold “national interest” perspective, redefined along the novel boundaries.

On the shorter term and directly, the way not only the Italian State but also the other poorer regions will react, must be monitored.


The Chronicles of Everstate: Foreseeing the Future of the Modern State

A Road to Hell? Climate Change and Public Deficit

The New Silk Road Series

Environment and Geopolitics Series

The issue must be kept under watch as the consequences abound. It will probably impact not only the European Union as an institution and as a governing body but also the Euro, and other European people. At a deeper level, it is the very modern-nation state and its nation that is also being transformed. We may particularly wonder how the multiple threats, first among them the impact of climate change, may be handled by the emerging new network of polities. In terms of foreign policy and international relations, how will these polities fare when faced with China, its ever consolidated state power, its One Belt, One Road initiative and its developing giant corporate sector such as in the digital domain, with an increasingly influential Russia, or with an uncertain yet trying to reassert its dominance America. In that regard, for European new polities and entities, we have for example the problems of dealing with security and defence considering NATO, or of handling the bullying regime of American sanctions.

What we are witnessing is likely the slow making of the new socio-politico model that will underpin our future political order, as we suggested when we put the future of the nation-state (and thus of “liberal democracies”) under watch.

Italian regions vote on more autonomy

Two of Italy’s richest northern regions are holding referendums to ask voters if they want more autonomy. Lombardy, which is home to Italy’s financial capital Milan, and the Veneto region around Venice together account for about 30% of national wealth.

Italy’s two richest regions seek more powers from Rome in nonbinding referendums | The Japan Times

Voters in the wealthy northern Italian regions of Lombardy and Veneto were deciding Sunday if they want to seek greater autonomy from Rome, riding a tide of self-determination that is sweeping global politics, most vociferously in Catalonia.

Featured image: Public Domain – Northern Italy, 1796 (for the campaigns of 1796-1805), The Historical Atlas by William R. Shepherd, 1926

China: Towards the Digital and Ecological Revolution?

“Airpocalypse” turns the air of the great Chinese cities into a kind of chronic and massive chemical attack. Meanwhile, ecological issues are gaining a new and strong political traction. In the meantime, China is also becoming a world leader of the digital transformation. In other words, two major dynamics run through China in the same time: the mammoth development of its digital transformation and the need and will to become an “ecological civilization”, in order to change its currently dangerous environmental and sanitary situation for a new approach to its ecological and digital development. All this happens in times of global climate, pollution and biodiversity crisis, as well as of an international digital power race.


Executive Summary

China is now intertwining its digital revolution with its political project of “ecological civilization”. This dynamic is created in order to manage and mitigate both the massive threat of the environmental and sanitary degradation of the “Middle Kingdom” and the huge rural exodus and urban development. This has become a strategic necessity because of the social, environmental and sanitary consequences of the pollution that turns the Chinese air into an “airpocalypse”.

The mammoth digital development of China is thus used to create new conditions to experiment with “smart cities”, “smart roads” and other infrastructures, in order to find new adequate forms of urban development. Meanwhile, renewable energies are promoted with immense technological and financial resources. As a result, the staggering rural exodus is increasingly channeled into sustainable cities.

The digital ecological Chinese grand strategy is the way for China to start adapting to the inner dangerous challenges that have built up into its own social and economic fabric. It seems in the meantime to bring China the necessary ways and means to decrease its carbon energy use. That strategy also drives a gigantic urban, technological and industry revolution, which turns China into a possible world leader in clean energy, electric and smart cars as well as in urban development. Global implications in environmental as well as geo-economic terms are to be expected.

Full article 2016 words – approx. 6,5 pages


In this article, we are going to see how the two dynamics constituted by the mammoth development of Chinese digital transformation and the Chinese need and will to become an “ecological civilization” are currently reshaping the way China intends to develop during the 21st century and could turn the “Middle Kingdom” into a singularly original strategic power.

Pollution over the great wall, Shenzen, Digital China, Strategic Foresight, Airpocalypse, Horizon Scanning, warning, scenarios , climate change, IoT, Internet of Things, pollution

In a first part, we shall focus upon the scale of the ecological problem faced by China and briefly outline the decisions taken to remedy the resulting danger. Then, in the context of the mammoth Chinese rural exodus and related urban development, we shall see how the digital world is actually used to mitigate ecological dangers, and thus how both the digital and new ecological revolutions are becoming intertwined. Finally, we shall look at the way this evolution is transforming the very strategic status of China.

Getting out of the ecological nightmare

As we saw in “Digital China – the (Middle) Kingdom of the Internet” (Jean-Michel Valantin, The Red Team Analysis Society, 26 June 2017), China is literally becoming a “digital nation” through its extension and continuation in the cyberspace. However, while China installs itself in this new and artificial environment that is the cybersphere (“China’s Digital Transformation: The Internet Impact on Productivity and Growth”, Mc Kinsey Global Institute, 2014), it suffers greatly from the unintended environmental impacts of its own development and of the combination of the latter with the current climate and biological planetary crisis.

Tencent Headquarters, Shenzen, Digital China, Strategic Foresight, Airpocalypse, Horizon Scanning, warning, scenarios , climate change, IoT, Internet of Things

These environmental and related social crises express themselves through the extremely high levels of air pollution, known as “airpocalypse”, as well as through pollution of its waters and of its soils.

Indeed, China’s economic and social development rests upon the way it produces energy for its population, its booming cities, and its industry. 75% of China’s electricity production is coal-based. China produces 46% of the global coal production, and represents 49% of the global coal consumption. The domestic development of China depends on coal, the consumption of the latter having increased by 2.3 billion tons in ten years (Joseph Ayoub, “China Produces and Consumes almost as much coal as the Rest of the World Combined”, Today in Energy, US Energy Information Administration, May 14, 2014).

As a result, China is the first emitter of greenhouse gases, being responsible for 30% of global emissions (Craig Simons, The Devouring Dragon, How China’s Rise Threatens our Natural World, 2013).

This explosion of coal use goes hand in hand with the enormous contemporary Chinese global trend of urban growth. In 2012, the Chinese urban population started to exceed the rural population when it reached almost 691 million people, out of a total of 1300 million people (Jaime A. Forcluz, “China’s Urban explosion: a 21st Century Challenge”, CNN, 20 January 2012). Contemporary Chinese social, urban, economic and political organization and development are based on coal because of the resulting new needs of the country, when China is rich in coal and wary of dependencies created by oil imports.

However, this reliance on coal is turning the Chinese boom into a domestic and global socio-environmental deadly trap. Coal atmospheric rejects are polluting the air, to the point that it endangers the health and daily life of hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens. Indeed, each year, between 350 000 and 500 000 people could be prematurely dying because of air pollution, while the number of related ailments, especially among children, is growing quickly (Malcolm Moore, “China’s “Airpocalypse” kill 350,000 to 500,000 each Year”, The Telegraph, 07 January 2014).

Beijing Air Pollution, Shenzen, Digital China, Strategic Foresight, Airpocalypse, Horizon Scanning, warning, scenarios , climate change, IoT, Internet of Things

Furthermore, some Chinese scientists are now comparing the permanent smog to the “consequences of a nuclear winter”: coal dust adheres, and thus makes opaque greenhouse surfaces, diminishing by 50% the amount of sunlight received and needed by the growing vegetables, which could, in turn, threaten the food and health security of the country (Jonathan Kaiman, “China’s toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter, say scientists“, The Guardian, 25 February 2014).

Meanwhile, the Middle Kingdom is turned into one of the main countries driving climate change (Simons, Ibid).

Facing the staggering scale of the massive ecological, social, economic and sanitary threat, the Chinese political authorities are elaborating a deep readjustment of the current Chinese model of development through a collective approach known as the “ecological civilization”, which is strongly implemented (Xinhua, “Xi leads ecological civilization”, China Daily, 22 March 2017). This new and vigorous approach largely integrates the mammoth digital development of the Middle Kingdom, and is conceived as a way to “domesticate” the consequences of Chinese urban and demographic changes.

Towards the Chinese digital-ecological-led revolution?

Since 1980, China has evolved from a largely rural country, where 81% of the population was living in the countryside, to a massively urbanizing country, where, in 2013, 54% of its 1,4 billion people lived in urban areas (Thierry Sanjuan, Atlas de la Chine, Une grande puissance sous tension, Autrement, 2015).

In other terms, the Chinese urban revolution drives the transformation of the Chinese society, while becoming the matrix for the dynamics of environmental pollution and degradation. Meanwhile, social tensions heighten, in a time of unprecedented economic growth. The strategic goal of the Chinese political authorities is thus to manage the urbanization of its continental country, while deeply mitigating the socio-environmental dangerous consequences of the latter (“Xi stresses efforts to build ecological civilization”, Xinhua, 28 August 2017).

Smart City, Nansha, Digital China, Strategic Foresight, Airpocalypse, Horizon Scanning, warning, scenarios , climate change, IoT, Internet of Things

Given the speed and the scale of the environmental crisis, the political, industrial and urban authorities are experimenting new ways to manage these interdependent challenges, through digitally evolving “smart cities”. These are transformational approaches to urban collective and individual life through the intelligent use of big data to manage water, energy, waste and food flows (“Chinese “smart cities” to number 500 before end of 2017”, China Daily, 21 April 2017). The need for these new environmental approaches derives from the scale of the Chinese urban development (Harold Thibault, “Chinese cities are cleaning up”, Le Monde, 29-05-2017).

In 2015, in the case of Shanghai, the number of cars grew by more than 13%, reaching the staggering total of 2.5 million cars in a 25 millions people strong megacity. In order to mitigate the impact of the car flow on the atmosphere, the municipal authorities use new “smart street” technologies. For example, the Ningbo-Hangzhou-Shanghai highway, daily used by more than 40 000 cars, is being equipped with a cyber network allowing drivers to pay tolls in advance with their smartphones. This application allows a significant decrease in pollution, because the lines of thousands of cars stopping in front of paybooths are reduced (“Chinese “smart cities” to number 500 before end of 2017”, China Daily, 21 April 2017).

In the Chinese smart cities, entire towers are being equipped with energy and water cyber management systems. Heat, humidity, and pollution sensors proliferate and interact in order to inform the management systems, the authorities and the citizens if, for example, there is a pollution peak (Corinne Reichert, “Huawei launches demo smart city”, ZD Net, 12 September 2017). This dynamic is accompanied by the staggering 360 billion dollars Chinese fund created to support the development of clean technologies and clean energy (Fortune editors and Reuters, “Here’s How Much Money China Is Throwing at Renewable Energy“, Fortune, January 5, 2017).

Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Digital China, Strategic Foresight, Airpocalypse, Horizon Scanning, warning, scenarios , climate change, IoT, Internet of Things

Those systems are closely linked to the growth of the “internet of things” and thus to the development of the 5G broadband, which is currently tried in more than 100 cities in China, i.e. by more than 250 millions people (Bien Perez, Jennifer Li, “China to roll out 5G broadband mobile equipment trials across 100 cities”, South China Morning Post, 05 October 2016 and Simon Alexander, “The Rise of the Sinosphere and the Digital Silk Road”,DCX. Technology, February 2, 2017). At the end of 2017, more than 500 hundred “smart cities” could be counted in China, 95% of the provincial capitals being “smart”.

When looking closely at this development of Digital China and at the multiplication of smart cities, we notice it also coincides with the political will to “channel” the explosive rural exodus towards manageable cities of small or middle size. In other terms, the 250 millions people expected to relocate into towns between the end of 2017 and 2026 (Chris Weller, “Here’s China’s genius plan to move 250 millions people from farms to cities”, Business Insider, 5 August 2015) are going to be directed towards small towns and provincial capitals, which, by the way, are becoming “smart cities”. This policy is also aimed at reducing the growth of already clogged Chinese megacities of more than ten million people – such as Beijing (21,5 millions people), Shanghai (25 millions), and the urban areas around them – and of the network of very great cities where more than 5 to 10 million people live. Indeed, the problem is that these very large cities and megalopolis have reached highly dangerous levels of water and air pollution, hence the “airpocalypse”, created by the noxious mix of car fume and coal plants exhaust.

Digital China, Strategic Foresight, Airpocalypse, Horizon Scanning, warning, scenarios , climate change, IoT, Internet of Things, Hong Kong

Thus, channeling urban demographic growth towards small and middle size cities, which are turned into “smart cities”, is a way to turn the social, demographic and economic growth of China into a phenomenon that is “still” manageable and sustainable.

This strategy is the very context from which emerges the project of banning fuel cars from cities between now and 2040, and to replace them by electric “smart cars”, connected to both “smart streets” and environmental sensors networks through 5G (Kenneth Rapoza, “To promote electric cars, China considers move to gas guzzlers”, Forbes, September 11, 2017).

In other terms, the digital and sustainable development strategies are interconnected and aim at restoring equilibrium in the very fabric of the current mammoth Chinese development.

The Chinese ecological digital transition: an international and planetary strategy

The digital ecological Chinese grand strategy is the way for China to start adapting to the inner dangerous challenges that have built up into its own social and economic fabric, while giving itself the necessary ways and means to decrease its carbon energy use. Thus, it supports the Chinese commitment to mitigate the planetary climate change that threatens the whole world, knowing that China is vulnerable to its major impacts, such as the rise of ocean level and its consequences on the water cycle (Jean-Michel Valantin, “The Arctic, Russia and China’s energy ambition”, The Red (Team) Analysis Society, February, 2015).

The Chinese strategy also drives a gigantic urban, technological and industrial revolution, that turns China into a possible world leader in clean energy, in electric and smart cars and in urban development. As a result, China can position itself in the “middle” of the major trends of globalization. Indeed, smart and electric cars are the “new frontier” of the car industry that supports the economy of great economic powers as such as the U.S., Japan, and Germany (Michael Klare, Blood and oil, 2005). The emergence of China as an “electric and smart cars” provider could have massive implications for the industrial and economic development of these countries. And this is true from a civilian as well as from a military point of view, as the fuel engine has been used for the two activities. It will certainly be the same with smart and electric vehicles.

Finally, the Chinese energy transition is closely linked with the replacement of coal by natural gas as fuel for the thousands of energy plants of China. This entails the recent giant energy contracts and investments between Russia and China, which are literally creating a new Sino-Russian geopolitical region. In the same time, the uses of energy are being interlinked with the development of “smart grids” and smart infrastructures.

It now remains to be seen how this ecological and digital transformation is “wired” around the development of artificial intelligence.

About the author: Jean-Michel Valantin (PhD Paris) leads the Environment and Geopolitics Department of The Red (Team) Analysis Society. He is specialised in strategic studies and defence sociology with a focus on environmental geostrategy.

Signals: Heavy Fighting between Kurds and Iraqi Forces; Kurdish Factions; Russia; Israel

Impact on Issues ? ➃  Capacity (and willingness) of each actor to stabilize the situation  (critical uncertainty) ➚➚➚ ➃  /➄ Iraq vs Kurds – ➚ ➄ Syria  – ➚ ➃ Middle East Tension ➘ ?➂ Legitimacy of Kurdish political authorities and parties ➚➚  Iran influence in Iraq and in the region➚ ? ➃ Gulf Countries (uncertainty regarding policy)➚ Russia ‘s involvement and stake➚ Israel’s stake➚ ➃  Russia influence trial➚ ➃  U.S. influence trial Heavy exchanges of fire are (20 Oct 2017 morning CET) taking place in the north of Kirkuk between the Kurdish Peshmergas and the Iraqi forces. By 12:30 (Iraqi time), Altun Kupri (north of Kirkuk) would have fallen to Iraqi forces, including the Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces), Iraqi Shiite militia backed by the Iranian Quds.Peshmergas had taken position North of Kirkuk on …

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Signal: The Kurdish-led SDF Defeats the Islamic State in Raqqa

Impact on Issues ? ➄ Bashar al-Assad government decision regarding the Federation of Northern Syria… and Turkey (critical uncertainty) ➚➚ ➃  Turkey acting against the Federation of Northern Syria➚  ? ➃ Iran influence (uncertainty regarding policy)➚ ➃ Russia influence trial➚ ➃ U.S. influence trial➚ ? ➃ Gulf Countries (uncertainty regarding policy)? Western NGOs and then businesses prospects in Syria➚ ? ➄ Syrian future  (high uncertainty)➚ ? ➃ Middle East Tension (high uncertainty) ➘ ➄ The Islamic State direct short term threat in Mesopotamia➘ ➄ Perception of the Islamic State threat➘➙ ➄ Global long term Islamic State threat ➚ ? ➁ U.S. Russia global tensions On 17 October, The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that the city of Raqqa had been recaptured from the Islamic State, even though fighting continued in near-by surrounding areas.Considering the strategic and symbolic importance of Raqqa for most players, …

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