The war in Gaza and China’s pivot to the Middle East

(Art direction and design: Jean-Dominique Lavoix-Carli) Given the speed and political density of the historic sequence opened by the Gaza war, the first article in this new RTAS series covers only the period from 7 to 27 October 2023. Introduction: A new war in a new Middle East On 27 October 2023, Israel’s military launched …

How to Create New Civilizations (1)? Challenges and Pressures

(Art direction and design: Jean-Dominique Lavoix-Carli) The first decades of the 21st century present human societies with many challenges. At times, it appears our very civilizations are at stake. Can we create new better-adapted civilizations? What are the alternatives? What can we learn from the works that have examined the history of civilisations? Between the …

Climate Breakdown: Towards War to Reduce CO2 Emissions?

(Art direction and design: Jean-Dominique Lavoix-Carli) “Climate breakdown has begun” warned UN Secretary-General António Guterres in a statement released on 6 September 2023. Globally, throughout the 2023 Summer, the world has lived through the beginning of the turmoil and havoc that climate change and related temperature rise bring. Repeated heatwaves, related air pollution “with knock-on …

Climate Emergency, AI and the (Necessary ?) Rise of Geoengineering

In the 2002 post-apocalyptic-movie “Reign of fire”, the last human colonies are exterminated by dragons burning the remnants of already poor crops. In 2023, the emergence of an early and powerful El Niño event amid the planetary effects of global warming raises the question of its geopolitical consequences in a world rocked by the war …

Challenge Your Beliefs with the AI Sphinx

Try Sphinx to challenge your beliefs, assumptions and hypotheses.
Sphinx is an AI assistant designed to challenge assumptions, reinforce arguments, and identify blind spots. It uses OpenAI’s GPT3.5 model and the Red Team Analysis Society’s methodology and knowledge base to provide a devil’s advocate perspective. In this article, we also explore the importance of challenging assumptions and showcase what Sphinx can achieve with the example of climate change.

Exploring cascading impacts with AI

Strategic foresight, early warning and risk management require evaluating possible impacts beyond direct effects. Explore cascading effects with Pithia’s AI-powered form. Discover what could be the cascading impacts of a very rapid adoption of generative AI across actors in the Western world… as identified by our AI.

War in Ukraine, the 2023 Super El Niño and Global Disruptions – Anthropocene Wars (8)

Since its very outbreak in March 2022, the geopolitical and economic effects of the war in Ukraine have combined with the cascading consequences of climate change (Jean-Michel Valantin, “War in Ukraine, The U.S Mega drought and the Coming Global Food Crisis”, The Red Team Analysis Society, May 1, 2022). In 2023, it is very likely that …

Foreseeing the Future with ChatGPT?

Discover how AI, particularly GPT-like models, can help anticipate the future, and why it matters in the fields of geopolitics and security. In this series of articles, we explore how to ensure technology remains a tool to serve us rather than becoming a slave to it. The first article looks at what GPT models are, why they matter in terms of jobs and occupations, and tests ChatGPT on a specific foresight question.

Get Strategic Foresight and Warning Scenarios with GPT-based AI – Initiation

Discover how AI ChatGPT can help you with actionable strategic foresight and warning by generating possible scenarios for your future concerns. Specify your concern, actor, area, and timeframe to get a precise strategic foresight and warning question and receive sample scenarios. Upgrade your scenarios with AI assistants Kai and Calvin, or learn more with AI assistant Regina or training solutions. Start planning ahead and transforming your concerns into proactive anticipation and prevention.

China, Saudi Arabia and the Arab AI Rise

(Art direction: Jean-Dominique Lavoix-Carli) On 7 December 2022, China’s president Xi Jinping received a royal welcome at his arrival in Saudi Arabia for a three days state visit. State visits between China and Saudi Arabia heads of state have taken place since 2016. In 2022, President Xi received a royal and considerably warmer welcome than …